
Feb 01, 2009 23:16

Can we be friends with our idols?

Fandom meme. I was tagged by poupeedesoie !
Because I'm a HUGE fangirl, I don't know if I can deal with only one band, but I'll try to use my stormy boys as much as possible...1. Who would you get caught in bed with?
Well, in Arashi, Sho because he's the only one who doesn't look weird, a child, or a bitch.

2. Who would you most likely get into a fight with?
I'm pretty sure that I would fight a lot with the dwarf Nino, because he's just too bad-tempered. Like a bad gremlin, something like that. ¬¬

3. Who do you think is hot?
Sho in his last photoshoot is not just hot, he is also calling for sex. Yummm~

4. Who will you most likely marry?
mmm... In some way, I would like to marry Nino to keep him with me forever :]. In other way, living with him would be really hard, so I should marry Aiba instead. Might be really fun !

5. Who would you go on a date with?
Sho ! Because if I'm going on a date with Nino, he will force me to pay everything. Stingy Pet !

6. Who is most like you?
mmmm... ..Aiba ? I don't really know, maybe you know that better than me.

7. Who could you be enemies with?
I don't want to be ennemy with an Arashian boy ;_;. Let's be ennemy with Junnosuke Taguchi instead, I can't bear his face.

8. Who would be your hang out/shopping buddy?
Nino ! Someone NEEDS to buy him decent clothes !!

9. Who will you have a one night stand with?
Sho.. i don't want to put the 4 others in my bed...

10. Who will get along with your parents/family?
As Siria, Nino. Because they already know him pretty well :')

11. Who would you fall in love with?
Hey I'm already in love with the gremlin, of course !

12. Who would you want to be your brother?
I want Ohno for my brother, for my BFF, for my second pet. I know I'll have fun with Aiba but I really like Ohno too...

13. How would you confess your love for them?
I already did ;_; I'm a bit pathetic, I have given Nino a letter to ask him to marry me (I wrote that I was joking of course, I'm still not erotomaniac ). But in real life, I'll put the 5 boys in a intimate place, and tell them "I know you fail in music and danse but I love you all. "

14. Who do you think has the sexiest body?
Sho, definitely. But all of them need to eat a lot, and to get muscles first.

15. Who do you think will give the best sex ever? can japaneses idols can give good sex ? XD I want a western sex toy.

16. Situation: you saw the most gorgeous dress that you want to buy for a function but the price explodes right out of your budget, so you go up to one of the boys and ask to borrow some of his money. His reaction would be…
I will go to Nino just to embarrass him and I'll watch him suffuring while searching for a good excuse XD. But I'm sure that Aiba or Matsujun could offer me the gorgeous dress, they look nice.

17. What nicknames would you call the boys?
Nino : the dwarf, gnome, chouchou, mamour, le nabot...
Aiba... well is still Aiba..sometimes I call him "Prof" because of his huge scientist career..

18. Who is most likely to settle in a quiet town beside the beach and find pleasure sitting and watching the sunrise and set?
Ohno, he's able to be happy anywhere, and with simple things. Nino could not leave without a big game center / video games shop...

19. Who is most likely to be spotted at the buffet table?
Dunno, and I'm not sure I've well understood the question...

20. Who would you like to go on an exotic vacation in Italy with?
Italy is exotic ? I'll bring them all, I would not be satisfied with only one in my luggage.If not, I'll bring Nino with me, to be sure that no one will steal him during my vacation :D

21. Who do you want to be the godfather of your kids (with any of the boys)?
well.. My kids will have 5 godfathers. Or maybe 4, if I use one of them to be the father. If I had to chose only one, I'll pick Jun or Aiba, they might be so nice with kids.. (Ohno is not mature enough, Nino is too selfish to care about children, and Sho... will be the father :D)

Sinon j'ai remis à jour mon LJ perso, que j'essaierais de mettre un peu plus à jour, et dans lequel j'aimerais un peu parler de mon boulot, de mon stage, de la psychiatrie, de ma vie, bref, quelque chose de personnel quoi. go to vbuiv

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