Uhmm .. I was bored yesterday, so I took pics of my new laptop ..
It's gorgeous & I love it (^_^)
Anyway, today was boring as crap. We had shortened periods today though 'cause we had to watch the High School's Christmas Concert. Half of the sophomore homerooms watched in the auditorium & the other half stayed in homeroom and watched it over the T.V. systems. I was one of the lucky homeroom who stayed in homeroom & watched the concert .. plus we got a study hall too (^_^) I didn't actually watch the concert 'cause I had a bunch of Geometry homework to do, so I just did that. The concert was dumb anyway.
After school me, Linda, Kristin, Christina and Casey did intramurals for ping pong & basketball .. we were in charge of the people playing, hah, we didn't even really do anything. All we had to do was to tell the people playing to take off their shoes, and to be careful not to hit anybody with the little paddles, haha. We trapped Linda in the storage room when we had to put the tables away, haha poor Linda!
That's all that happened really, and EW .. tomorrow's my last day of actual classes and starting Monday, we take our Trimester Exams .. EEEEEEWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWIIIEEEEE !!! (>_<)