Time heals all - well, most - okay, then, LOTS of - wounds

Mar 28, 2014 21:23

Feeling much better with a little space and time distance from my embarrassing triggers. Admittedly, I also miss my home, my husband, my people, my dogs, my cats and generally my home Melbourne life; and I would be remiss not to mention the extraordinarily comfortable bed, in the bedroom that I share with someone I actually know who does not floss their teeth in my presence or try to engage me in loud conversation about feng shui when I am clearly working.

I'm not saying Michael would never do that - but he'd have a good reason. It would almost certainly be to tell me something very funny about feng shui, and I'm generally willing to be interrupted for very funny things.

Having said that, apart from the traditional conference/workshop lurgy (for lo, I have partaken of the pseudoephedrine and of the Cepacol Plus Lozenges), Canberra has been good to me this time around. I may not be a fan of hostels, but the workshop was excellent and the people were good. I have learned much and am now far less intimidated by genomic-level data and the analysis thereof.

I am not a master of any of the software or processes we have employed over the last couple of days, but I like to think that with time and practice I could become quite able with the use of such diverse tools as QGIS, SAGA-GIS, R and RStudio, BayeScan and the various, almost numberless, bits of command-line finagling required on the first day to turn raw data into SNPs with genotype likelihood ratios (in no particular order, we used FastQC - not command line, small mercies - SamTools, VCFTools, Angsd, ngsTools, cutadapt, scythe, sickle, picardtools, etc. etc. Much of this was also about transferring from one very large file format to another).

I did miss one afternoon session yesterday, by reason of the aforementioned workshop lurgy, but it was also accompanied by a large room full of reverb and software that was not properly tested, so you could neither hear the speaker properly from up the back, nor could you follow along. Apparently it was all quite sensible if you were up the front. I look forward to grabbing the slides from the website when they go up and perhaps taking myself through those.

So my quest to learn R has begun, and I am determined that I shall, in the not-too-distant future, teach myself Python.

However, I do have two papers to revise and resubmit, at least one more to submit for the first time, and some analyses to run on another bat paper, so I'm not quite sure where it will fit in.

EDIT: I also miss my nice, quiet, dark rainforest, where the only light pollution you'll generally experience is comprised of headlights for the neighbours coming home late (very rare), or possibly the moon, and where the only night noises are over-active cats, territorial owls out in the forest, and snoring dogs.
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