Art stuffs

Jul 25, 2009 04:24

Ugh. I got so into my work I didn't notice when one of the coupons I was hoping to use expired. I glanced at it again because I wasn't sure it had expired or not and it was. :/ That sucks. I really should've used it last week, but I was up to ungodly hours trying to finish ahead of my deadline. *sigh*

Well, it wasn't a huge savings, but I'm really not into spending money. Still, I'm running low on paints and I need more white and several other colors. I'm hoping to buy some Daniel Smith because I like the watercolors and the acrylics look good (plus, Daniel Smith has Buff Titanium). I'll say now that I do not like Winsor Newton paints much at all. The acrylics and oils are not very smooth to work with when compared to M Graham or Maimeri, my two currently preferred paint brands. Unfortunately, M Graham is still a bit limited colorwise, but Daniel Smith has tons of colors to choose from. I want Lapis Lazuli Genuine so bad. Guh.

The thing I like about digital art is that you don't have to buy canvas, paper, brushes, paints, gesso, ect., ect., and then some. You just have to put out for two things: Your preferred program and your tablet. You don't even need to update as soon as a new version comes along. Still, it's a bit harder to achieve some affects even in a program like Painter that you can easily achieve with the right brush irl. Of course I could make my own brushes to rectify that somewhat, but still...

Oh, and I got in my gouache paints a few days ago. Maimeri definitely gives you more for your money than M Graham, but M Graham is just so divine to use *dies a little of happiness*. I have a lot of work to do now. I'm almost giddy. I've got a bristol pad just for those, but right now I'm gessoing some canvases. I hate doing that. Especially since in an accident I spilled a lot of colored acrylic. Ick. It's not even abstractly artistic, imo... it's just a muddy mess. If I'd accidentally spilled red someone would probably buy it, though. *eye rolls* I want to know a good way to get caked on acrylic off canvas. I bet there really isn't any, lol. Just have to gesso and paint over it. Heaven forbid if you spill dark brown. *shudder*

Well... what else can I say? Since I'm talking art. I have a few glazes to use on the leopard painting. I still haven't named it. Maybe I will after the final glaze and then adding the varnish. Can't really think of anything atm since it's currently 4:46 a.m. and I've spent much of the night slapping on gesso to canvases, lol.

I think next post I'll show you all some photos. I'll get a photo of Beast in her Japanese shaved ice saleskitty outfit that Dad brought back for her from Japan. It fits her so well and it's funny. I guess I'll also upload the woodpecker photo and possibly a few more I took.


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