Feb 12, 2007 13:20
The theme for the Challenge Vidshow for VividCon 2007 is "Faith." Vidders are challenged to interpret this theme in whatever way speaks to them. It can influence song choice, character focus, general theme, you name it. There are no limits on how you interpret the theme.
(C'mon, you know you've been dying to vid to George Michael.)
About the Challenge Vidshow:
The Challenge show is a double-blind show. To submit a vid for this show, *you must agree to remain anonymous, and submit your vid without any vidder credits*. You may use a beta, of course, but should otherwise keep your identity as secret as possible. This means also keeping it a secret that you are submitting a vid -- in other words, we ask that you please share in the spirit of the anonymous entry nature of the show, and refrain from talking about your vid even in general terms until after the show.
Following the vidshow, the audience will have open discussion and critique of the vids. You may choose to reveal yourself as the vidder after this discussion takes place, if you choose, but it's up to you. Collaborations are allowed. The vids for this show are not chosen by a VJ; all challenge vids will be shown.
vvc 2007: challenge,
vvc 2007,