(Please repost this message wherever appropriate.)
VividCon, the convention dedicated to fannish vidding, is gearing up for a third straight year. Like last year, the con will run three days, with programming beginning early Friday afternoon and continuing through Sunday afternoon. Friday night will be our fabulous dance vid party, Club Vivid, and Saturday night our premieres show.
VividCon 2004 will be held August 13-15, once again at the SpringHill Suites Chicago O'Hare. Membership this year is $70 ($65 by check) for attending and $10.50 ($10 by check) for supporting members. On July 1st, attending membership will go up to $75, and you must register by August 1st to be included in the program book. Our hotel rate is $99/night for up to four in a room. As before, membership is capped at 100.
This year, we are adding a couple of new options at registration. In response to requests, we will be offering a Saturday lunch ticket option: for $15.50 ($15 by check), you can buy a ticket that gets you into a simple lunch provided at the hotel. This will include a variety of pizzas (vegetarian and non), salad, soft drinks, and cookies. It's not particularly cheap for what it is, but it will be convenient, and you'll be able to take it easier at lunch without worrying about missing things. The hotel doesn't require a minimum number of participants, but if fewer than 8 people take this option, we will refund the tickets for everyone who has ordered one.
Also, while we don't have a dealer room at VividCon, this year we are planning to have an orphan vids table in the con suite. The idea is, if you have a vid collection and would like to sell it at the con, you can pay for a spot on the orphan vids table, leave your tapes/dvds there, and we will collect the money for you. We are charging a flat fee of $10.50 ($10 by check) rather than a commission, and this is open to attending members only.
To register or for more information, please go to our website:
http://www.vividcon.com/ More details about vid submissions will be coming soon, but we do want to issue a heads-up that all vids, including premiering vids, will be due ahead of the con, either via electronic submission or by mailing us a tape/dvd hardcopy.
Also, in honor of our con opening date of Friday the 13th, the theme for our annual challenge show is "luck" -- interpret as you will, and start thinking about ideas now.
If you're interested in the con and you're not already on the VividCon mailing list, please join! It's pretty low-volume except for small bursts of activity, and we like to get lots of input from our members.
To subscribe, go to
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/vividcon/ or send a blank e-mail to
Hope to see you at the con,
-- Naomi, con chair