The deadline to rollover your VividCon 2012 attending membership to next year is approaching on July 1st (this Sunday). If you have signed up and paid for an attending membership and tragically (or not-so-tragically; I don't want to make things sound unecessarily dramatic) find that you cannot attend VividCon this year, that is the last day to contact to request a rollover of your membership. At this time VividCon has not reached the membership cap, so we are unable to offer refunds (per our
refund policy). If you have to cancel, you're welcome to let us know that you would prefer a refund, and if we exceed the cap before the con, we will contact folks on a first-requested-first-refunded basis to see if you'd like to get the refund or stay with the rollover option at that point.
July 1st is also the deadline to sign up for
Supporting Memberships!
Attending memberships remain available until very close to the start of the con itself (or until we hit the registration cap), so tell your vidfan friends to
come join the fun!
Speaking of fun, Club Vivid
bar wristbands remain on sale at least through July 17th!
Thank you for your attention; we now return you to your previously scheduled vidding activity, which is already in progress* for tomorrow night's
vid submission deadline!
*Excellent, excellent progress! Go you! You vid the best! YOU CAN DO IT! *\o/*