Reminder Post: Upcoming Deadlines

May 15, 2011 20:13

Just a friendly reminder of the significance of some upcoming dates:

May 25th - last day to submit nominations for the VividCon Scholarship for this year. We will gratefully continue to accept donations to the scholarship, but it's also extremely helpful for us to know by May 25th or very shortly thereafter how much money is available in the scholarship fund for this year's recipient, as it may make a big difference in whether it's enough to support travel from a longer distance for a potential recipient, which can influence whether a recipient is able to accept and attend or not.

June 1st - Date by which attending members should submit Warnings requests in order to receive customized, private warnings information for their requested trigger topics for vids showing in scheduled vidshows at the con.

June 1st 11:59 p.m. - VID SUBMISSION DEADLINE: Themed vidshows (vids requested by VJs) and Nearly New vids

June 24th 11:59 p.m. - VID SUBMISSION DEADLINE: Premieres, non-attending Premieres, Auction and Challenge vids

July 1st - last day for attending members to request a rollover or refund of their membership fee for VividCon 2011.

July 1st - last day for attending members to order extra DVDs.

July 1st - last day to register for Supporting Membership with DVD.

Thanks, and happy vidding!

extra dvds, scholarship, deadlines, vvc 2011: extra dvds, vvc 2011: scholarship, vvc 2011, admin, warnings, submissions, vvc 2011: deadlines

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