Aug 12, 2007 21:59
1: whats gots 1 ball and a small penis
Yer maw!
2: can i ride johnnys dirt track
Sure, £20
3: if yes: do you want to film it. if no: does filming it change number 2's answer to a yes?
I can send it to one of those ads in Bizarre! XD
4: where are you from
Tha saaaff mate, proper apples and pears me old mucka.
5: step on the gas and turn to the left
Step on the gas and turn to the right, now WOAH!!
I'm not quite sure how this meme works, I think you comment and I give you some quos then you answer them in your LJ. Actually that's pretty fucking simple, well done Vivi *smecial*
Just got back from Amecon, the cosplay bug has oficially bitten my fat ass and infected my blood. I can see where my nest 3 paychecks are going! The gym....*cry*