SPN Fic: Spoon Full of Sugar

Apr 19, 2013 16:36

Title: Spoon Full of Sugar
Author: viviantanner

Rating: T (for Dean’s mouth when he’s worried), implied M/M relations

Word Count: 2,247

Prompt: Sam is really sick and Gabriel takes if upon himself to take care of his human. Cue fluffy schmoophy, hurt/comfort with lots of cuddles. Written for the sabriel_bday has a belated birthday gift for hey_mister_dj it's a year & 14 days late but I hope you enjoy.

Summary: Sammy's got the flu, the flu which he ignored till it got impossible to ignore. Now he has his brother, his friend and his lover all scared for his health. After a little drama, some soul searching and a little visit from a doctor the angels find themselves making promises to each other & themselves about their hunters.


“Sammy? Man you need to tell me where you hurt. Come on little brother, I can’t help you if you won’t talk to me.” Dean was officially freaked out, this morning Sam had been complaining about a headache but that was it. Within a few hours of grabbing breakfast, and moving on to the next town he spiraled into the incoherent, groaning, shivering mass that was currently hiding in the pile of blankets on the hotel bed. “Sammy? Dude you’re really scaring me man, should I call Cass or Gabriel? Do you need a hospital?”


“That’s it, I’m calling one of-!”

“What’s wrong?” Gabriel was pushing Dean out of the way before the older Winchester could finish reaching for his cell phone to call the angels.

“Dean? Are you okay?” Dean found himself being spun around to face the concerned filled cerulean eyes of his angel. “Gabriel and I could feel something wrong through our bonds.”

“Sammy’s sick, like really sick. This morning he had a slight headache and then on the drive here he got worse. Now he won’t talk, the light is bothering him, he can’t keep anything down ... if I can get him to eat or drink anything to begin with. I’m really getting worried about him. I’veneverseenhimthissickbefore.” The whole time that Dean had been explaining the situation to the angels, Castiel was steering him to the second bed in the room, pushing him down to sit before he passed out. The angel was now worried that his hunter was going to hyperventilate he was talking so fast. “I know that you are both running low on angel mojo right now, but there’s got to be something you can do for him. I could take him to the hospital, but it would be harder for us to keep an eye on him so that Lucifer couldn't try to grab him while he's there.”

“Dean, breath, Sam will be fine. We will do everything we can for him. You need to calm down though you won’t be of any help to him in this state.” Cass was sitting next to his hunter, rubbing soothing circles in his back. The little angel had seen the older Winchester worried about his brother before, but there was something about this time that was truly upsetting the man. “Please Dean, deep breaths, calm down.”

Across the room on the other bed a golden eyed Archangel was doing his best to convince his lover and charge to come out from under the pile of blankets. The young hunter however seemed to have other ideas and was trying to cuddle with his angel through the mountain of sheets.

“Sammy boy, please come out from under there. I’m sure I’d be more fun to cuddle with then those blankets. What do you say? We can cuddle all you want baby just let me take a look at you first.” Gabriel was slowly pulling the blankets off the shivering mound that was his hunter. He knew that there wasn’t any kind of angel healing he could do at the moment, since his grace was still running low from his near fatal reunion with Lucifer at the damn hotel, but he’d been on Earth long enough that he may be able to figure out what was wrong with the young human. “What do you say pretty boy, let me take a look over that hot little body of yours in exchange for a day long cuddle fest?”

The three bodies in the room held their breaths collectively (even though only one technically needed to breath) waiting to see if the Trickster Angel’s deal would be accepted. They waited a full five minutes, then just has Dean and Gabriel started entertaining fears that Sam had lost conscious under all of those blankets they heard a faint sound through the pile.

“All day?”

“Yupp all day, I’ll even let you watch that Dr. Who show that you love so much, or we can have a Harry Potter marathon.”

“’re you s’re? Yo’d ‘eally let me ‘atch Dr. Who? All ‘ay?” The voice was starting to get a little stronger as Sam moved some of the blankets out of the way to make eye contact with his boyfriend.

“Scouts honor.” The Archangel held up three fingers in an imitation of a good little boy scout. Glad to finally see some part of his lover, even if Sam’s appearance also helped to worry the angel more then he already was.

“You ‘eren’t a scout,” was the response, but any smart ass remarked died on the angel’s tongue when he got sight of those big hazel puppy dog eyes. “Where’s De? Is he o’ay?”

“I’m right here Sammy.” As soon as he heard his brother’s childhood nickname for him, Dean was up and sitting next at Gabriel’s side. “How are you feeling little brother? What can I get you?”

“’ome tea?”

“Tea, I can get tea. What kind do you want?” Dean was excited; Gabriel had gotten his brother out from under the blankets and talking. Now Dean would do anything to keep him that way.

“Chamomile or lemon ginger, if ‘ou’re ‘ure it won’t be too much ‘rouble?” While Sam answered his brother’s question, he found himself being manhandled by the Archangel. This was another sure sign to everyone in the room that something was truly wrong with the kid. Gabriel would only get away with that normally when the two lovers were alone. “And a few crackers?”

“Sure thing, I can do that, crackers, tea and some movies for a lazy hotel day. Come on Cass, you can go shopping with me.” Dean was heading to the door with his keys and jacket in one hand while the other hand grabbed his angel by the arm, literally dragging him along behind the hunter. “We’ll be right back, you won’t even know we were gone.” Seconds later the room was filled with the sound of the Impala’s engine has Dean started the car up and pulled out of the hotel parking lot in search of tea and crackers for his brother.

“Now, are you going to tell me what’s wrong, or at least let me have a look at you to see if I can figure it out?” Gabriel had managed to pull Sam into a sitting position with the hunter’s back against his chest. He could already tell that his charge’s temperature was too high, and it was not just from hiding under all of the blankets. Even with the obvious fever Sam was shaking like he was sitting in the middle of a snow storm. His skin was a pasty white, and he was currently sporting some incredibly red cheeks, if the hunter had been in a better condition the Archangel would have accused him of think something naughty to cause such a blush.

After a few seconds of silence the young Winchester turned on the bed so that he was facing his lover and let the blankets he was still clinging to drop to the bed. It wasn't a verbal acknowledgment of the archangel's question but Gabriel wasn’t going to let that stop him from checking Sam over. Twenty minutes later the examine was over and Gabriel was no closer to understanding what was wrong, he had succeeded in another victory though, during the exam the trickster had got Sam to start telling him about his symptoms.

“I don't understand why I feel so bad. Yesterday I had a small headache, like the you need more sleep kind, then this morning I was achie all over-.”

“Why didn't you tell Dean this morning that you felt bad? He's really worried about you Kiddo, I'm scared a little too.”

“I'm sorry, I just didn't say anything cause I didn't want to be a burden. With everything that's going on right now I figured a small headache wasn't something I should be complaining about. I mean you and Cass have both almost died in the last-.”

“Cassie and I can also take a lot more then you or Dean. Please Sam promise me ...” Gabriel paused to grab Sam's chin so he could make him look up from the spot in his lap he was currently staring at. “Promise me if you start to feel bad again you will tell someone, no matter what is wrong.”

The Archangel waited, hazel eyes trying to break contact with golden ones which would not look away, Sam almost felt like they were trying to see into his soul for an answer.

“Not your soul Sammy, I just want you to realize how serious I am being. Promise me?”

“Yes Gabe, I promise, I'll let you know if anything is wrong.” Sam finally was able to shake Gabe's grip on his chin, and returned to staring at the random spot on the blanket.

“Well, I can't see anything life threatening, I think perhaps you just got the flu but you being a Winchester had to go and keep pushing yourself till you turned it into the flu from Hell,” Gabriel paused and watched for some acknowledgment of his joke when he received his customary eye roll from the hunter he went on, “How about we get you a shower and some clean clothes, and then when our brothers return we can get on with the Dr. Who marathon?”

Has a way of answering Sam began to untangle himself from the remaining blankets to get off the bed. Before the young man could get to far off the bed Gabriel stopped him with a hand on his shoulder and a smirk.

“Now Sammy I may be too weak right now to heal you, but not so weak that this can't be fun.” Before Sam could ask what his lover meant by that he heard the familiar snap that was now a sound he loved to hear, even though it hadn't always been that way. With the snap came the realization that he was now standing naked in the hotel shower being held up under the spray of water by an equally naked Gabriel. “So Sammy, how bout that shower?”

“Remember Gabe I'm sick, and the others will be back soon.”

“Don't worry kiddo, just relax and I'll take care of everything.” The smirk that now graced the Trickster's face had Sam wondering what else his lover had done with that snap of his fingers, soon enough though he found himself not caring so much has Gabriel's hands started moving over his body.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

One shower and six episodes of Dr. Who later …

The credits for the next episode of Dr. Who began to roll across the screen when Castiel took a moment to look over at his brother and Sam laying in the next bed. The Archangel laid under the blankets with his back resting against the headboard, Sam's head was on Gabriel's chest and his arms wrapped around the angel's waist like he was a giant teddy bear. The warm tea and cold medicine seemed to have worked because Cass could hear the faint snores coming from the sleeping form.

Faint snores were also coming from Dean, who's head now rested in Castiel's lap where he had been laying to watch the show. While the pair had ran to the store for supplies the young angel had noticed the signs that his charge was also getting sick, but with Dean being so worried about his little brother, Castiel knew the older Winchester would do nothing about his own health till Sam was better. That fact is what had drove the angel to slip some of the cold medicine into the tea he'd prepared for Dean. Watching the hunter sleeping so soundly made Castiel realize how young and vulnerable the his charge could look.

“Kind of scary isn't little bro?”

The sound of the other angel's voice startled Cass from his thoughts, he realized that he'd been running his fingers through the short dirty blond spikes and pulled his hand away has if burned. Though Dean had admitted to Cass how he felt, it was still unclear to the angel if the young hunter wanted the others to know yet about their growing relationship.

“How mortal they are? How quickly we could lose them because they're to stubborn to ask for help?”

At the sadness in his voice Cass turned to observe his brother, the Archangel had shifted and was now laying down with his arms around Sam's body. Cass felt a push of Gabriel's grace fill the room seconds before the TV shut off and the rooms lights followed. Deciding that this was Gabriel's way of saying time for bed the blue eyed angel used a little of his “angel mojo” to move he and Dean to a similar position in their bed. Before the moment passed Castiel felt the need to ask one question.

“Will they ever learn to ask for help?”

“I don't know little bro, but I'll make sure I'm always there if they need it, asked for or not.”

“Agreed. Good night Gabriel.”

“Good night Cassie.”

The End

type:fan fiction, sabriel, birthday gift, rating:t, character: sam winchester, character: castiel, status:complete, character: gabriel, character: dean winchester

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