Magnificent Seven Fic_A Different Point of View (One/?)

Sep 10, 2011 21:15

Title: A Different Point of View
Author: Vivian Tanner
Rating: T
Main Characters:  JD & Ezra
Summary:  JD and Ezra get stuck on the trail together delivering evidence to Judge Travis for Chris.  On the trip they become closer, sharing stories of their past.  Ezra provides some advice to the Seven’s greenhorn and gives him a new way to view the world around him.  JD shows the gambler that friends really can exist in his life.
Disclaimer: Don’t own these boys or their friends and family, wish I did, but much to my dismay I do not.  Just thought I’d take them out for a ride or two or three.  I promise to return them to their rightful owners unharmed.
A Different Point of View~~~The Train Game~~~
                “Mr. Dunne, I must apologize that you have been forced to travel on this waste of time journey.  No doubt you would have rather spent this time visiting young Miss Wells, or planning grand adventures of heroism with Mr. Wilmington.”  The young sheriff had been staring out of the train’s window for the past hour; Ezra was beginning to fear that something was deeply troubling the young man.  After coming to terms with the fact that the silence bothered him not because the silence was unheard of with the young man but due to the friendship he felt he shared with JD, the southern card sharp decided to do something about it.  Receiving no reply to his first attempt at a conversation, Ezra tried again.  “Perhaps you would care to join me in a game of chance?  I am sure it could speed our time along.”
                “No thanks Ez, don’t have much money to play with anyways.  Sorry, it would not be a long game if we did.”  The reply sounded like JD, it was his voice, but it simply lacked the usual bounce of energy that could be felt behind the sheriff’s words.
                Now I am truly concerned for my young companion, I had no trouble discerning every  word  he said.  I must do something to discover what is wrong, and attempt to do something about it?  Taking a few moments to plan his next move, the gambler took the few moments of  time to center himself.  The train was nearing the end of the track, from there the two peacekeepers would retrieve their horses at the local livery and return to the fair town of Four Corners, or as JD said ‘They would finally go home.’  What Ezra needed to do was get JD talking before than so that he could discover what was troubling the young man, it would do the gambler no good to take the sheriff back like this, the others would have his hid for upsetting the easterner, especially Buck.  While shuffling through his deck of cards Ezra remembered a statement JD had made when it was announced that they would be companions on this particular trip.
                The announcement had been meet with, well, quite a spectacular show of concern from the other members of the group . . . for the sheriff.  Buck had been enraged, he felt he should be going due to the unspoken rule among them that always partnered the lady’s man with JD.  Nathan questioned Chris’ decision, Ezra had a sneaking suspicion that Josiah did as well, just in a more private local.  Nathan questioned Ezra’s ability to back up the sheriff if there was trouble, while pointing out that if there was trouble it had probably been caused by the conman himself.
                “He’s run out on us before Chris, who’s to say he won’t do that again?”  That announcement was not an unexpected one; in fact Ezra had to admit he would have thought something wrong if those words had not come up in the discussion, it was what happened next due to these words that had startled the gambler.

* * * * * * * Flashback * * * * * * *

Six days earlier in Four Corners~~~“What the hell does that mean Nathan?”  The question, though asked in the Texan’s usual soft spoken drawl, held enough steal behind the words to make everyone within hearing distance get nervous.  “Ain’t Ezra proven himself enough to ya yet?  How many more bullets ya gonna need to dig out of him before you lay off him for good?”

“Mr. Tanner, while I appreciate your desire to help me in this instance, perhaps it would be best to just-.”

“No Ez, Vin’s right.  How much more does he need to do before you’ll get past his accent Nathan?”  The fact that JD had sided with Vin did not shock Ezra, the three of them seemed to do that a lot.  The gambler thought that their bond may have something to do with their closeness in age or the fact simple that they were the three who had come into this group alone, with no shared history with any of the other regulators.  Yes, they had formed friendships within the group, but nothing that had the depth and history that Chris and Buck, or Josiah and Nathan shared.  What made the gambler look at JD with open awe was what the young man had said.
                Most of the group, hell, the town figured the reason that Nathan distrusted the southern gentleman was more to do with his southern heritage than his spotted past and choose in careers, but no one had ever said it out loud.  Ezra suddenly felt a great sense of pride for the young man from Boston and a bit of honor in being able to call him friend.  From the look Vin was giving JD, Ezra knew the tracker felt the same way.
                When the healer seemed to not have an answer for the question of either of his fellow peacekeepers the gambler decided it was best to move the discussion along before it caused any more pain among the group.  Hopefully what wounds have occurred can be mended, I do hate these fights over my sense of honor.
                “So Mr. Larabee, when shall Mr. Dunne and I be departing for this pleasurable journey aboard?  Not too early I hope, I have the mid-night patrol this evening and was hoping to enjoy my feather pillow one more time before we depart.”  As Ezra finished this statement he saw that Nathan appeared to be preparing a retort to the gambler’s concern for his sleep.  The response never came though, as once again JD came to Ezra’s rescue.
                “Yeah Chris, when do Ez and I head out?  I agree with Ezra though I hope it ain’t too early I’ve got the patrol before his tonight.  I wouldn’t mind a good night’s rest before we leave.”
                “Your train leaves Ridge City in two days so I figure if you boys leave tomorrow morning you can get there with some time to relax before you leave from there.  Swing by the jail on your way out to pick up the papers and evidence you’ll be delivering to the judge.”  The dark clad gunslinger could not help but smile at the two moans that erupted from the table at the mention of the early departure time.  “And don’t worry about your patrols tonight Vin and I will cover them, just make sure you boys are ready to leave in the morning.”
                “Mr. Larabee you are a saint among men, I take back every callous remark I have made about your character this last . . . week.  Gentlemen if you will excuse me, it appears I have a trip to prepare for.”
                “Yeah, me too, thanks guys for covering the patrols.  Wow, Ezra this is gonna be great, we can finally talk . . . get to know each other . . . I can’t wait-.”  The rest of the sheriff’s words were cut off as he ran out of the saloon to pack.
                With a laugh and shared smile with some of the group’s remaining members Ezra left to pack his own supplies for the trip.  This may actually turn out to be a worth while journey.
* * * * * * * End of Flashback * * * * * * *
Present Day, on the Train                Well we haven’t gotten to know each other; the boy’s barley uttered an unnecessary word since we left Four Corners.  That is it, this behavior must stop.
“Mr. Dunne, I believe I have come to a solution to your shortage of monetary funds.  Do you recall what you planned to accomplish on this little adventure of ours?”  Ezra had ceased shuffling and was staring straight at JD so that the young peacekeeper would be hard pressed to not answer.
                “I thought we could get to know each other better.”
                “Then may I inquire as to why you have not spoken more than two words at a time to me since our departure?  I myself find it hard to learn about a person without communicating with them.”  Again Ezra held the eye contact he had with the young sheriff to insure an answer.
                “I had stuff on my mind when we left, and then it just seemed easier to travel in silence.  I’m sorry Ez, you probably would have had more fun if Vin had come on this trip.”  While he spoke Ezra could actually see the young man slump further into the train seat.  Oh, this must stop.
                “I seriously disagree with that idea; Mr. Tanner would no doubt have spent the entirety of the trip complaining about our mode of transportation.  Besides my question was, though it did not appear as such, voiced out of concern for you.  Did you still wish to ‘get to know each other’?”
                “Sure do, but we’re almost back, how are we gonna get to know each other now?”  JD seemed to perk up at the realization that he hadn’t completely wasted this chance to get to  know the conman.
                “That Mr. Dunne is very easy.  Shall I interest you in a game of chance?  We’ll play for questions; each hand you win before we reach Ridge City earns you the privilege to ask me a question of your choosing on the ride back to Four Corners, and the same applies for me.  So, are you interested my dear man?”  While he waited for JD to come to a decision, Ezra began to shuffle his cards again and plan his list of questions.  With the distracted look in his eyes has JD answered and began to play, the card sharp could tell that the sheriff was also planning his questions for the ride home.  Well this shall be fun; I best make sure he wins a few hands.

Next Round ...

characters:all seven, type:fan fiction, status:wip, charater:jd dunne, rating:t, fandon:magnificent seven atf, fan fiction, charater:ezra standish

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