
Jan 09, 2011 21:16

My next test will be a written one, finally, about Italian literature (first part). It's a bit strange because despite being sure that I'm missing something, I basically feel like re-reading what I studied in high school, and I don't know if this will be more difficult or not. I must admit my teacher at the time did a good job.
But it's written so YAY! Definitely better than the average exam. At least the panic factor.

Also, I love la Commedia so much. I find myself reading it out loud, and I have no particular preparation for delivering hendecasyllables (actually I don't even recognize hexameters, I suck at reading meters), but I don't care. XD I remember when I used to do that in class, with my friend - M - or A. We would start declaming suddenly, something, with no reason, like Carthago delenda est, and there was that time when I fell in love with Pro Caelio, and A surely remembers it, because I swore that Cicero's prose was erotic, and I would gladly offer my body to someone capable of reading it with passion (or was it Cicero's ghost I was offering it? Oh, when you're promiscuous). Verum haec genera virtutum non solum in moribus nostris, sed vix iam in libris reperiuntur!

Oh, Halcyon days.

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