The holiday season has blessed me with a chest infection. Awesome! Does anyone have any at home remedies that may help me get rid of this?
Also in other news, going from black to blonde was a huge pain in my ass. I had been trying to get away from black for 4 years now and realized in order to get the hair I wanted I should cut it off and start from scratch. I cut my hair July of this year. I really miss my hair, but it will grow back. I always loved the pretty silver/grey hair colour sported by the Japanese. Anyways, I wanted my eye colour and hair to match. I realized that silver/grey is hard to get or keep and toners can be a pain. I do not want that lavender hair you get from toners. The hair dyes I have found were not permanent. BUT my search is over and I found a permanent silver/grey hairdye called Lolane. This has made me a very happy woman.