
Oct 15, 2005 15:29

Frustrated by the ignorami of this world! Why are poeple that are overweight allowed to come up to a thin person and say "God, you make me sick, you are so skinny?" Would I ever say to a fat person, Geez, you are so fat, do you ever stop eating?" According to some of my boyfriends supposed friends, this should be ok bc to be thin is what is desired. To be told you are bony, or skinny or anorexic or skeletor is ok bc they mean it as a compliment. Um, maybe it's just me but I don't think, bony or being called skeletor is a compliment! "Oh well thats not what they mean" Well that's what they SAID! Why should it be up to me to have to interpret the real meaning of a comment? SAY what you MEAN! And just bc fat people want to be thin, why does that make my feelings any less valid??? My body may be small but my mind isn't. My feelings are no less real. Got into a big debate over this last night with them while camping. I got ganged up on and they all tried to shut me down. It frustrated the FUCK out of me bc they refused to acknowledge my point of view. Make no mistake, I know the difference btw acknowledgement and agreement and I wasn't asking them to agree. ALso frustrated me bc my bf just SAT THERE and let them rail all over me and said NOTHING! I ended up leaving at sunup this morning. I didn't want to be around them. Ignorant!!! Not stupid, ignorant. I have been dealing with this shit my entire life, being called names and looked at with disgust bc I am thin. Double Standard!? Yeah, I think so only I was railed over it and told it wasn't. Why does anything need to be said about weight? Thats a boundry issue as far as I'm concerned. And anorexic? Um, have these people ever SEEN anyone with anorexia? How could anyone even begin to perceive that comment as a compliment????? Enough for now...
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