Functioning Bruises (4/?)

Sep 02, 2012 22:27

Title: Functioning Bruises (4/?)
Author: Vivhasarifle
Rating: R for this chapter, NC-17 overall.
Genre and/or Pairing: Gabriel/Dean, human AU, hurt/comfort, angst, romance, slash.
Characters: Dean, Gabriel, Cas, mentions of Sam.
Spoilers: As long as you know who Gabriel is you’re fine.
Warnings: This chapter will mention past underage rape, past child-abuse, mansex, and one of the boys will have a mental disorder, also dyslexic!Dean. Unbeta'd so any mistakes are mine.
Word Count: 3183
Summary: Dean Winchester has a pretty unremarkable life. He’s working his way through school, hangs out with his law-student brother on week-ends, and loves his car. However, when his little brother introduces him to Gabriel Cummings, Dean finds his whole life turned upside-down.
Notes: This is only my second attempt at writing Gabriel/Dean. I used to dislike this pairing, and only wrote it the first time as a favor to a friend. However, recently I have been UBER drawn to it and have decided to try my hand at it. This is the result. I love human AUs but I know they’re not everyone’s cup of tea, so please, feel free not to read. Sorry this chapter is a little shorter than the others, and sorry for my long absence. Enjoy!
Disclaimer: Not mine, just playing.

It had been a few days since Dean went over to Gabriel’s, and aside from going to work or school, he hadn’t really left. For a day or so he’d been naive enough to think that his presence would snap Gabriel back into his old self, but the longer he stayed, the more he understood that Gabriel really had very little control over his condition; Dean tried to help out in any way he could think of, he cleaned up Gabriel’s apartment and started cooking whenever he could, so that Gabriel didn’t have to live off fast food and take out, but Gabriel was still listless. He did, however, manage to get a lot of work done, which surprised Dean, but when he asked about it Gabriel only shrugged and said, “It has to be done.”

Dean felt ridiculous and like he wasn’t helping at times, but when he asked Gabriel if the other man wanted him to leave Gabriel only shook his head emphatically and hugged him, so he had to be doing something right. Still, it broke Dean’s heart the one day he found Gabriel curled into himself in the shower, sobbing hoarsely. Dean had silently turned off the water, draped a towel over the smaller man and lead him gently to his bedroom, stroking his wet hair and kissing his face until the tears started to subside.

“I’m sorry,” Gabriel had muttered, his face buried in Dean’s collarbone, “I’m so sorry. You should just leave me. You never asked for any of this, Dean.”

Dean had petted Gabriel’s head with his calloused fingers and shaken his head.

“I’m not leaving you, Gabe, whether you want me to or not.”

Dean couldn’t lie, he was intimidated by Gabriel’s disease, and now that he knew just how severe the other man’s episodes were there were times when he was terrified that he wouldn’t be able to handle it, or stop Gabriel from hurting himself, but gradually, very very gradually, Dean began to see an improvement. In fact, a week after the latest shower episode Gabriel got out of bed on his own accord, showered, and starting making omelettes before Dean was even out of bed.

“Something smells good,” Dean said, emerging from the bedroom bleary-eyed and pajamaed, rubbing sleep out of his eyes as he made his way to his boyfriend’s breakfast island. Gabriel met him with a plate of hot food and a sheepish grin.

“I thought I should cook you something nice, considering how well you’ve looked after me this week.”

Dean shrugged one shoulder and pulled the plate of steaming eggs towards him, “It’s not a big deal.”

Gabriel took Dean’s hand that wasn’t holding a fork and squeezed it, hard. “It kind of is, Dean. I really appreciate it.”

Dean held Gabe’s hand to his mouth and kissed it. “You seem like you’re feeling better today.”

Gabriel sighed and grabbed another plate, sliding his own omelette onto it. “Yeah, I guess the meds finally kicked in, thank God. I feel a lot better. I’m going to go into work on Monday. I can’t believe I’ve missed almost a week and a half...if I’m not careful some smart young go-getter like your little bro is gonna take my place.”

“Sammy would never do that to you.”

Gabriel snorted. “Sammy is too nice for his own good.” He sat across from Dean and began to dig into his own breakfast, chewing thoughtfully. “I hope you didn’t miss too much school or work this past week, Dean.”

Dean shook his head. “I only missed a couple of classes. A lot of my school is online so I did the work after you went to bed, and I made it into school for all my tests, anyway.” His eyes slid sideways and Gabriel froze.


“I...may or may not have gotten fired.”

Gabriel stopped eating, abruptly. “Well, which is it?”

Dean bit his lip. “I called in to ask for time off. When they wouldn’t give it to me I just didn’t show up.”

Gabriel’s mouth dropped open. “Dean.”

“I’ve never asked for a day off, Gabe, not once!” Dean said, defensively, playing with what was left with his food, jabbing at it uselessly with his fork. “They should have given it to me,” he said, sullenly.

Gabriel spluttered. “Dean, I’m not denying they’re asshats but what the hell are you gonna do about money? How are you going to pay your rent and buy food?” Gabe’s eyes widened. “Oh my God, you’ve bought so many groceries since you’ve been here. Why didn’t you tell me? I could have given you money.”

Dean blushed. “I didn’t want to bug you, you had...” Dean gestured, aimlessly, “stuff. Anyway, my lease is up at the end of this month, anyway, and I’m paid through. I’ve already talked to Sammy and he’s going to let me move in with him. He could use the extra cash anyway, and it won’t take me long to find another job. Bar work and waiting jobs are easy to find. Don’t worry about me, all right?”

Gabriel worried his face. “Don’t worry? Dean, you lost your job because of me! How can I not worry?” Suddenly Gabriel’s eyes grew wide. “You didn’t tell Sam, did you?”

Dean shook his head, emphatically. “No, no of course not. That’s your call...” Dean hesitated and Gabriel’s face darkened.


“He guessed some of it,” Dean said, sheepishly, “because...I was doing the brother talk thing, you know?”

Gabriel’s face remained stoic. “Enlighten me.”

Dean took a deep breath. “I called Sam, when I couldn’t get ahold of you, and he wanted to know what I did, to fuck things up, I mean, ‘cause he said you’d been acting really head-over-heels for me or something -”

“Sammy needs to keep his mouth shut.”

Dean smirked. “You have no idea how often I have thought that. Anyway I ended up telling him about stuff. About how I thought you didn’t want me because...” Dean trailed off.

Gabriel sniffed. “I get the jist, Dean.”

Dean cleared his throat. “Yeah, so...Sammy sort of put two and two together. I think he figured out you’d suffered some kind of...sexual trauma, between that stuff and then you being in foster care.”

Gabriel grunted. “Well, that’s just peachy.”

“He doesn’t think any of less of you, you know.”

Gabriel smiled sadly and took Dean’s hand again. “I know, honey, I just get embarrassed at the thought of people finding out. You didn’t do anything wrong.”

Dean raised an eyebrow. “Did you just call me honey?”

Gabriel grinned, unapologetically, “I like pet names,” he frowned, “anyway, we got off track. I can’t believe you and Sammy had to rearrange your whole lives because I had an episode.”

Dean shook his head. “It’s not such a big deal, Gabe. Sammy and I had talked about moving in with each other in my last semester anyway, you know? Between the two of us being in school it’s a little ridiculous that both of us are paying for apartments.”

Gabriel bit his lip and picked up both of their plates, rinsing them immediately before putting them into the dishwasher. Dean smiled a little to see the old neat-freak Gabriel back.

“Well,” Gabe said, washing his hands of any food residue, “I get what you’re saying...I just hate that your were forced into it because of me. I’m going to give you some cash to tide you over until you get a new job.”

Dean frowned. “Gabriel, no.”

Gabe sighed. “Dean, I know you’re proud -”

“Damn right I’m proud! I’m not gonna let you pay my rent.”

Gabriel huffed, exasperatedly. “Why not? It’s my fault you’re in this situation. It’s not a problem, okay? I have plenty of money. Why won’t you let me do this for you?”

Dean’s mouth became a hard line. “If you knew me at all you would know why I can’t be comfortable accepting your handouts.”

Gabriel looked chastised. “I...okay, I get it, Dean, I do. Will you at least let me take you out to dinner a lot to save you some money? Come on, you don’t need groceries with me around.”

Dean’s face softened. “Fine, and you can help me move. Feel better?”

Gabriel nodded. “Much.”

Before anything else could happen they both heard a frantic scratching at the door, like someone was trying to get a key in the lock but kept missing it. Dean turned to Gabriel with questioning eyes just before a rough voice called out through the door.

“Gabriel! Gabriel so help me if you’re -”

Gabriel rolled his eyes. “Lefty loosey, Cas!” he called loudly, fixing the door with an amused stare.

There was slight pause in the sound, before the door clicked open and a man came bounding into the apartment, sporting wild black hair and frightened blue eyes. He blew past Dean around the kitchen island and grabbed Gabriel in a firm hug, squashing the smaller man slightly.

“You haven’t picked up your phone in a week, asshole,” the dark-haired man said, gruffly.

“I’ve been busy,” Gabriel choked out. He gestured lamely with the hand that managed to escape his friend’s vice-like grip, “This is Dean, by the way.”

The other man pulled away suddenly and met Dean’s gaze. “Dean,” he said. It wasn’t a question, and it didn’t sound particularly friendly either.

Gabriel huffed. “This Castiel, better known as Cas -”

“To my close friends,” Castiel clarified.

“Right,” Gabriel agreed, “he’s the boy I told you, now. The one who escaped the cult with me.”

Castiel arched an eyebrow. “You told him?”

Gabriel nodded. “Yeah, Cas, I did. He’s been really good about it too. Spent the last week or so basically talking me back from the edge.”

Castiel gritted his teeth. “I thought so, I knew when you didn’t answer your phone. You should have called me.”

Gabriel poured a cup of coffee and handed it to his friend, black. “You know what I’m like when I get that way, Cas.”

Castiel looked down at the coffee. “Yes, Gabriel, I do. That’s the problem,” he surveyed Dean with what looked like a grudging respect. “Thank you for looking after my best friend,” he said, nodding at Dean, who finally found his voice.

“I - uh - yeah, of course...I mean, yeah, I care about Gabriel.”

Castiel’s face softened very suddenly, and it was like Dean was looking at another person. “Good,” he said, before drinking down the full cup of hot coffee without flinching.

Gabriel slid a mug across to Dean and started to add his cream and sugar to his own coffee.

“Cas, do you want an omelette? Dean and I already ate but I can make you one if you want.”

Castiel shook his head. “Thank you, Gabriel, but I have already eaten.”

Gabriel grimaced. “A likely story,” he met Dean’s eyes in a conspiratorial gaze, “Cas here doesn’t really like to eat.”

Castiel looked indignant. “I eat. I just don’t feel the need to make every meal an occasion, the way you do.” Castiel shifted onto a stool and set his mug down onto the counter. There were a few moments of silence while the three men surveyed each other.

Dean cleared his throat. “It’s good to finally meet you, Cas.”

Castiel inclined his head. “The same to you Dean. I apologize that it happened while...”

“While you were busting in here like a crazy person?” Gabriel supplied, cheerfully. “I’m starting to regret giving you a key to the place.”

“This key does not work,” Castiel surveyed the offending key, darkly.

“It works just fine if you turn it the right way.” Gabriel sipped his coffee and winked at Dean.

Castiel scowled. “It’s sticky.”

Gabriel stuck his tongue out. “You’re sticky.”

Castiel rolled his eyes. “And you are a child.”

“And you,” Gabriel grinned, “wouldn’t have me any other way.”

Dean stared in awe as the two men bantered together, and interjected. “ Are you guys...always like this?”

To his surprise Castiel grinned and glanced at him. “Only on good days,” he replied.

Dean raised his eyebrows and looked at his boyfriend. “Should I be worried?”

Gabriel let out a harsh bark of laughter. “No, sweetie, Cas is as straight as they come.”

“But you wouldn’t be the first to think otherwise, especially considering my unique relationship with Gabe.”

Gabriel finished the last of his coffee and put his mug into the dishwasher. “Yeah, that doesn’t sound creepy.”

“Shut up,” Castiel said, turning to face Dean. “So,” he began, “Gabriel tells me you’re a writer?”

Dean blushed fiercely. “Not really.”

“He’s lying,” Gabriel said, glibly.

“No,” Dean said clearly, “I’m in school. I’m a business major with a minor in creative writing. I write a little on the side, for fun.”

Castiel nodded. “I understand. I enjoy painting, but it’s not my main career path.”

“What do you do?” Dean asked, interestedly.

“I teach middle school English,” Castiel supplied, “at St. Saviour’s Episcopal School for Girls.”

“Huh, what’s that like?”

Castiel smiled, wryly. “A challenge.”

“He’s only saying that,” Gabriel added, “because all of his students are in love with him and he keeps having to shoot them down gently.”

Castiel shot Gabriel a hard look. “It’s not funny,” he said firmly, “twelve year-olds are terrifying. I don’t understand their behaviour.”

Dean grinned. The more Cas spoke, the more he liked him. Sure, he was a little weird and didn’t use contractions nearly enough for Dean’s taste, but he was definitely nice and he had a sly sense of humour that snuck up on you when you least suspected it.

“Fair enough,” Gabriel conceded, “anyway, we should do something today. It’s Saturday; I haven’t been out of the house in a week, and Dean, all your midterms are through now, right?”

Dean nodded. “Yeah.”

“Well, call up Sammy-boy, let’s all go do something, hmm? I’m feeling like I wanna go get some food that’s bad for me...maybe greek? We can get that cheese they set on fire and all yell ‘hooplah!’”

Dean grinned. “Have I mentioned that I am so glad you’re feeling better?”

That night ended with Dean and Gabriel lying happily in Gabriel’s bed, arms wrapped around each other, sated and full of stuffed grape vines and gyro. Gabriel hummed happily and leaned into kiss Dean, his face still smelling slightly of olive oil.

“What are you thinking?” he asked.

Dean hesitated. “Well...I was thinking about your...problem, with anal?”

Gabriel froze in Dean’s arms. “Yeah?”

Dean kissed Gabriel on the forehead. “Don’t freak out, if you don’t like this idea then we don’t have to try it, but I was thinking, what if we worked up to it? Like...I get the you don’t want to be penetrated, but I thought we could just start trying to get you comfortable with me being in that area.”

Gabriel was frowning. “Like how?”

Dean started trailing his hand slowly down the small of Gabriel’s back, and felt the smaller man tense slightly underneath him.

“Well, like this for a start. Don’t worry, I’m not even going to go under your clothes, can you trust me enough to believe that?”

Gabriel swallowed and nodded, dumbly. Dean trailed his hand even further down until his hand was gently cupping Gabriel’s ass.

“Is this okay?” he asked, softly.

Gabriel let out a deep breath. “Yeah...yeah that’s fine.”

“What about this?” Dean squeezed Gabriel’s cheek with his fingers, enjoying the feel of the soft, malleable flesh under his palm. Gabriel shuddered and moaned a little.

“Yeah...yeah that’s fine too.”

Dean smirked and managed to work his other hand slowly down the front of Gabriel’s boxers, depite the slightly odd angle.

“I’m not going to go any further than that tonight, all right?” He squeezed again and then began to slowly milk Gabriel’s cock, and was gratified by the little moan of happiness that escaped Gabriel’s lips.

“I...yeah, whatever, Dean, just keep doing that.”

Dean grinned lecherously and obliged, speeding up and tightening his grip on Gabe’s dick a little more until eventually the man was uttering little mounting cries and the head of his penis was slicked with precome.

“Dean,” Gabriel said his name in a desperate cry and fumbled his hand into Dean’s own boxers, grabbing at Dean’s already raging erection. Dean grunted happily and gave Gabriel’s ass a hard squeeze, and was relieved to find that Gabe didn’t freak out, in fact, he pressed forward more into Dean’s hand until he was more or less fucking the older man’s fist.

“Uh, God, Gabe...”

Dean saying his name seemed to throw the young lawyer over the edge, because the next thing Dean knew his boyfriend was coming all over his hand and stomach, his face frozen in an expression of pleasure, although for how vocal he had been during the actual handjob, Dean was amused by the fact that he came silently.

Dean smiled and gave Gabriel’s ass one last squeeze before rolling onto his back.

“Was all that okay?” he asked, breathlessly.

Gabriel let out a small huff of laughter. “Are you kidding, that was awesome.” He looked down at Dean and frowned. “You’re still hard.”

Dean shook his head. “It’s okay, I did this for you, not me.”

Gabriel let loose a sharkish grin, and in one smooth motion he straddled Dean’s legs. “Well, let me do this for you, then.”

Before Dean could protest, Gabriel was crawling down backwards over Dean’s body until his mouth was resting softly on the top of Dean’s swollen erection. Dean whined a little at the slight brush of his boyfriend’s lips and let out a short cry when Gabriel’s hot, wet mouth sunk quickly and without warning down over his cock.

“Fuck!” Dean gasped, resisting the urge to grab the back of Gabriel’s head and fuck his face as hard as he could. He didn’t really need to, anyway, Gabriel was deep throating like a champion and after only a few minutes Dean felt the pressure building and he tapped his boyfriend on the head.

“Gabe, I’m gonna...” Gabriel pulled off and jerked Dena hard with his hand until Dean was spurting all over himself and Gabriel, who walked over to his ensuite bathroom and returned with two warm, wet wash cloths.

“Here,” he handed one to Dean before starting to clean himself up as well, before crawling back into bed and resting his head contentedly on Dean’s chest. Dean pressed a hard kiss onto Gabriel’s slightly sweaty hair.

“I think I’m falling for you,” Gabriel said, quietly.

Dean chuckled. He wanted to make an insensitive joke about how Gabe was getting a little needy, or say something sexual, or roll over and fall asleep without saying anything, but none of those things happened.

“I think I am too,” he said, quietly.

pairing: gabriel/dean, author:vivhasarifle, genre: slash, verse: functioning bruises, fandom: supernatural

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