An Unexpected Turning (10/?)

May 09, 2012 00:24

Title: A Unexpected Turning (10/?)
Author: vivhasarifle
Rating: NC-17
Genre and/or Pairing: Dean/Cas, AU, creature!fic, angst, Sam/Gabriel.
Characters: Dean, Sam, Castiel, Gabriel.
Spoilers: None
Warnings: MPREG. This is my first time writing both creature!fic and mpreg as per requests from the lovely Gedry and 888mph, submissive!Dean. I guess technically this fic contains hermaphrodites, as there are male characters with ‘extra’ parts. Swearing. Mention of character death. Also, there will be a romantic relationship between Sam and Gabriel, and Sam’s character in this is only sixteen, so legal in some states and countries but not in others; if you are in one of the others please be aware that this will contain a relationship between an underage character and an adult. Porn. This story also brings up the death of a child. This particular chapter contains a graphic birthing scene. If any of this bothers you, feel free not to read.
Word Count: WIP, 3408 this chapter
Summary: Dean is a member of a pack of lynx and much to his surprise he discovers he is a carrier. Fearing the reactions of his pack, he runs, and encounters an interesting jaguar with piercing blue eyes.
Notes: Thanks to my fantastic beta highermagic, whose fic ‘Instinct’ leant great inspiration to this, and to Gedry and 888mph for the prompts and support! Throughout this fic I refer to the two different packs as ‘lynx’ and ‘jaguars’ respectively, but just to be clear they are in fact, shifters. For the purposes of this fic it is easier to have Sam be two years younger than Dean, as opposed to four, like on the show. I hope this isn’t too distracting.
Disclaimer: Not mine, just playing.

Dean sighed inwardly as he lumbered around the forest, Sam in tow. It had been too long since he had shifted, and he missed running around, and the freedom it gave him, but that didn’t mean that it was easy. At eight months, Dean was swollen and exhausted all the time, and it embarrassed him that while he was running through the forest, his brother had to do nothing more than a light trot to keep up with him.

Sammy, I need to rest for a minute.

His brother slowed down and sat next to Dean, as the older lynx had already stopped and collapsed onto the ground.

Are you okay? Do you need me to get Gabriel?

I’m fine, Sammy, stop worrying! I’m just tired.

Sam purred his assent and began to groom Dean’s ears for him, and Dean relaxed into the familiar action.

Can you believe it’s only a month until you give birth?

Dean rolled his eyes. I wish it would just happen already. It’s not fun, being this tired all the time.

Sam growled in a good-hearted, chuckling sort of way. I’m surprised Gabriel even gave you permission to run today, I thought he would have told you that you were too far along.

I think he felt bad. Since he went on bed-rest for a while and with all the training he’s been giving me I haven’t had many opportunities to go running. Plus, it’s not like he sent me alone, I’ve got my faithful watch-dog with me.

Sam, offended, sat back and stopped grooming Dean. Don’t call me a dog.

Dean chuckled. Sammy, you know I only call you that because you let it get to you. You’ve been that way since we were kids.

Well, I don’t like dogs.

Duh, we’re Cats. None of us like dogs.

Sam ignored Dean and started grooming himself. After a few seconds, Dean pulled himself back up to his feet, wincing at the way his belly hung.

I feel so gross right now.

You’re pregnant, idiot. You’re not gross you’re just...big.

Dean half-heartedly cuffed Sam’s head. Thanks, that makes me feel so much better, Sammy.

Sam laughed and it made Dean want to cuff him for real. Shall we head back to camp?

Dean started slowly walking back in the direction of their home. Sure...hey Sam?


It’s been two you think Adam is still alive?

Sam didn’t answer Dean for a long time, and Dean felt bad about asking, but as his pregnancy drew to a close he had become even more focused on family than usual, and his youngest brother was never far from his mind.

Finally, Sam said, I don’t know, Dean...I hope so.

Dean nodded. Me too.

“Dean...what are you doing?”

Castiel walked into their tent and was met with the sight of Dean completely rearranging all of their furs, as well as dumping many of their wool blankets outside.

Dean turned to his mate, a little frantically. “What does it look like I’m doing? I’m cleaning. I’m trying to get this place ready for a baby! All of these blankets are dirty, and every thing’s in the way. . .Can you put this outside for me?” Dean held out another blanket and Castiel took it, gingerly. Dean frowned. “What?”

“Dean...all of these were washed a week ago, remember?”

Dean huffed. “I know, I just...I need everything to be ready.”

“Knock knock,” Gabriel’s voice sounded from outside the tent and Castiel held the door open for him while Dean shifted their furs around, looking for the most comfortable placements.

“Hey Deano I. . .oh wow.”

Dean looked at his friend. “What? Why are you both acting like I’m nuts? I’m cleaning.”

Gabriel snorted. “‘Demolishing’ is more like it...don’t worry, it’s normal.”

Castiel turned to his brother, a concerned look on his face. “It is?”

Gabriel nodded. “Yeah, he’s just nesting.”

“Excuse me?” Dean looked affronted. “He is right here.”

“Are you?” Gabriel quirked an eyebrow. “I thought we’d lost you for a second under all that crazy.”

Dean stopped for a second and looked around at his tent, taking in the various areas of chaos and extreme neatness.

“Holy...what am I doing?”

“I told you, you’re nesting. It’s normal. It just means you’re trying to get ready for the baby. It’s an instinctual thing.”

Dean sighed and put down the fur he was holding. “So...what’s up, Gabriel?”

Gabriel shrugged. “I was just coming in to see how you were doing, you’re getting pretty close to your due date.”

Dean rolled his eyes. “Stop worrying, Gabe, it’s still a month away.”

“Indulge me...want help washing those blankets? I know you’re planning on it, you’ve got that crazed look in your eyes.”

“Gabriel...stop teasing Dean.” Castiel walked over to his mate and kissed him, tenderly. Gabriel made a gagging sound.

Dean smiled at Cas but continued to glance nervously around the tent. Castiel caught onto his anxiety and frowned.

“Dean? What’s wrong?”

Dean bit his lip. “Do you...think the tent canvas is clean enough?”

Castiel sucked in his cheeks, and looked very much like he was trying not to laugh. Gabriel was less polite, and broke into peals of unabashed, whooping laughter.

“Deano, they’re fine, come on, we’ll go and wash the blankets before you have a panic attack.”

Dean blushed and nodded, squeezing Castiel’s arm before following Gabriel down to the creek, a pile of blankets in his arms and a bag of soap berries dangling from his wrist. When they reached the small tract of running water the pack used for washing he dropped the blankets and awkwardly lowered himself until he was sitting on the edge of the bank with his feet dangling in the water. He winced at the way his back twinged and sighed, dropping the worst of the blankets into the creek to begin washing them.

Gabriel smiled sympathetically, and Dean knew that the jaguar also had to be suffering a great deal of discomfort, as he was easily as big as Dean.

“You’re ready for that baby to get the fuck out, aren’t you?”

Dean let out a short bark of laughter. “That’s one way to put it, yeah.”

Gabriel grabbed a few of Dean’s blankets and joined him in washing them. “I know the feeling, big boy.”

They washed in silence for a while, and it wasn’t until they were hanging the wet blankets on trees to dry in the sunlight that Dean spoke again.

“So you said all this is normal, right? The cleaning and stuff?”

Gabriel rolled his eyes. “Yes, it’s totally normal. It’s the nesting instinct. It happens to all expectant breeders. They start to clean frantically right before the baby arrives. It’s a way of feeling prepared.”

Dean sighed. “I feel anything but prepared.”

Dean started when he felt Gabriel’s soft hand on his shoulder. “Dean, you are going to be an amazing Dad, I promise.”

Dean smiled. “Thanks Gabriel.”

Dean stretched up to hang another blanket and groaned.

“Ah, God, my freaking back!”

Gabriel frowned. “Your back?”

Dean nodded. “Yeah, it’s been hurting on and off all morning.”

Gabriel raised an eyebrow. “Just your back? Has your abdomen been hurting?”

Dean shrugged, “Yeah, I mean a little. The back’s been the worst but I guess it’s just kind of overall hurting. It’s fine though, it’s not constant.”

Gabriel ground his teeth. “It...comes and goes? Kind of like, oh, I don’t know, labor?”

Gabriel was looking at Dean like he was an absolute moron, and suddenly Dean got what Gabriel was hinting at and his jaw dropped.

“’s my back,” he said, “and I’m a month away from giving can’t be labor!”

“Labor can feel like back pain,” Gabriel placed his hands on Dean’s stomach, “you’re carrying really low, and your belly’s hard as a rock, hold on a second...”

“Gabriel it’s too soon!”

Gabriel shook his head. “It’s all right, if the baby is coming today it’ll be a little premature but a lot of first time pregnancies end in early labor, now hold tight because I’m about to do something uncomfortable.”

As Gabriel was speaking he crossed in front of Dean and put a hand between his legs and put two fingers into his opening.


Gabriel pulled his hand out and to Dean’s surprise his brother-in-law’s fingers were coated in pinkish mucus.

“Well, that’s your bloody show,” Gabriel said, walking to the stream to wash his hands. “We need to get you back to your tent, and then I can perform a proper pelvic exam, but from the looks of things, Deano, you’re in early labor.”

Dean blinked.

“What. The. Fuck.”

Gabriel smiled and shrugged. “Guess you’re getting your wish, ‘cause that baby’s coming out.”

When they got back to the tent Dean took a few moments to arrange the furs into a comfortable arrangement, pausing to gasp and hold at his abdomen when he felt another pain that he now felt foolish for not recognizing as a contraction.

Gabriel came in and told Dean to lie down, tracing his hands over Dean’s stomach as he did.

“Any more contractions while I was gone?”

Dean nodded. “Yeah, one.”

Gabriel smiled. “Okay. So I went and told Sam, but I couldn’t find Cas. Sam’s going to look for him, okay?”

Dean nodded. “Yeah...this is really surreal. It doesn’t feel like it’s really happening.”

Gabriel laughed. “It’ll feel real as soon as the contractions get worse...oh.”

Dean sat up. “Oh?”

Gabriel waved him off. “It’s’s just, the baby isn’t facing the right way.”

Dean’s face blanched. “What...what does that mean?”

Gabriel smiled reassuringly. “The baby’s facing feet down, but it’s all right, I can try and turn it, and even if that doesn’t work, I’ve delivered several breech babies, it’s harder but it’ll be okay. Dean I promise whatever happens I am going to make sure this is as easy as possible on you and the baby.”

Dean sank back down and nodded, letting out a deep breath. “Okay...thanks Gabriel - shit!”


“Ow! Oh God! Owowowow!”

Gabriel sat Dean up and rubbed his back. “It’s all right, Dean, just breathe through it, okay?”

“It hurts!”

Gabriel snickered. “It gets worse.”

“Shut up!” Dean gritted through his teeth, breathing slowly until the contraction faded away.

“Dean?” Castiel burst through the tent door, followed by Sam. Castiel sat next to Dean. “Are you all right? Did I miss anything?”

“No, nothing. It’s only just started.” Dean smiled at his mate before kissing him.

Sam smiled and walked up behind Gabriel, placing a hand on his shoulder.

“This is so nuts,” he said, smiling at his brother, “we’re going to have a baby today.”

Dean laughed. “Sammy, not to be a douche, but you’re not doing shit.”

Gabriel sat back on his heels and grinned. “Well folks, hold on, ‘cause it’s going to be a long and bumpy ride...”

Gabriel was right. Although the first few hours passed relatively peacefully, eight hours in Dean was in a lot of pain, and was pacing around the tent, slowly. Gabriel had suggested that moving around might help the baby drop and at this point, with the contractions coming fast and hard, Dean would have tried anything. Dean was a little worried because Gabriel had been unable to turn his baby, and now the contractions hurt so badly that he was sure something was wrong.

“Oh God!” he crouched and held his arms around his abdomen. “Oh shit this really hurts.”

“Gabriel?” Castiel was at Dean’s side in a second, wrapping his arms around the younger man. “Is this normal?”

Gabriel crouched next to the young jaguar. “Lie down, Dean, let me look.”

Gabriel put his fingers into Dean and Dean gasped when he felt them hit at his cervix.

“You’re at ten centimters,” Gabriel smiled, “time for this baby to come out.”

Dean shook his head, adamantly. “What? No! I’m not ready.”

Gabriel laughed. “Well, get ready, big boy, ‘cause this baby is coming, now.”

To Dean’s shame he felt tears running down his cheeks and he grasped at Castiel, desperately. “Cas, I’m scared! I don’t think I can -” Dean’s words were cut off by a low moan resulting from another contraction.

“Dean, you’ll be fine, more than fine, you’ll be wonderful. I’m here for you,” Castiel whispered, stroking his mate’s hair, “I love you.”

Dean nodded. “I love you too...okay...I’m ready, I think.”

Gabriel smiled and glanced at Sam, who looked more than a little nervous on his brother’s behalf. “All right, let’s get this baby out. How would you like to be, Dean? If I can suggest, the squatting position is a little easier because gravity kicks in, especially since you’re delivering a breech baby, you’re going to want all the extra help you can get.”

Dean nodded, “Yeah, that sounds good.”

Gabriel looked at Castiel and Sam. “Okay, this means I’m going to need you guys to stand behind him and hold his hands. Keep him propped up if he gets tired and loses energy, all right?”

Castiel and Sam moved behind Dean and he felt reassured by the strong arms holding him up.

“Okay, Dean,” Gabriel was crouched in front of him, hands held carefully between his thighs, “on your next contraction, I want you to push.”

Dean didn’t have long to wait, in a few seconds he was hit hard by a contraction and he squeezed his eyes shut and bore down, hard.

“Oh God!”

“That’s it, Dean, breathe, okay? Just breathe.”

“You’re doing wonderfully, my love,” Castiel whispered into his ear.

“Oh my God, it hurts so badly!”

“Shhh, it’s all right, you’re doing well, Dean.” Gabriel applied gentle pressure to his belly and Dean hissed, but steeled himself. He was in this now, and there was no going back.

It took a long hour of pushing before the baby’s lower half was out, and Dean was exhausted. He felt completely drained.

“I’m not...I’m not sure I can do this.”

“Dean, you are going to get through this, now just breathe, and I’ll try to help a little, okay?”

Dean nodded, and when he pushed again, he felt Gabriel’s gentle hands guiding the baby’s body either side, but he was still terrified. There was no way to prepare for this experience, Dean knew this now. He felt as if his entire body was being turned inside out; like he was stranded at the bottom of a dark pit and trying to claw his way out with his bare hands.

“That’s it, Dean! The baby’s almost out. You just have to push the head out, Dean, just the head, okay? Now I’m not going to lie to you, this will be harder than the rest of it has been, the head is the biggest part of the baby, but you are so close Dean, so don’t give up, okay?”

Dean grit his teeth but nodded, screaming when he next pushed. Oh God, this was impossible...there was no way he could get this baby out. Dean knew now that it just wasn’t going to happen, that all he could do was give up.

“Don’t you dare, Dean,” Gabriel spat, as though he has heard exactly what Dean was thinking, “don’t stop now, buddy, we’re almost there.”

“You’re fine, love, I’ve got you,” Castiel’s reassuring voice gave Dean a little strength, and when he next pushed he was taken aback by the burning pain at his entrance.

“Oh my God, I’m gonna die! I’m gonna -”

“You’re crowning, Dean, I know it hurts but it’s normal, I swear. It hurts because you’re being stretched, but the baby is almost out! Come on, just a few more and you’re done, and you’ll have your beautiful baby.”

Dean tried hard to ignore the searing pain, and with his next contraction he pushed as hard as he could.

“That’s it!” Gabriel sounded overjoyed.

“God, Dean you’re doing great! Almost there!” Sam sounded like a young child, over excited on its birthday.

“I love you.” Castiel stroked Dean’s hair reassuringly.

Dean roared and pushed again, harder even than the last time, and finally, finally, he felt the pressure in his body release as Gabriel’s sure hands caught the baby as it came out.

“Just a second, Dean,” Gabriel cleared the baby’s airways and suddenly the tent was filled with a loud wail.

Gabriel grinned, but Dean saw that there were tears in his eyes. He handed the squirming, bloody bundle to Dean, who sat on the tent floor, exhausted.

“A girl,” Gabriel breathed, settling the baby into his friend’s arms.

Dean stared. A girl. A baby girl. Dean looked at the child in his arms and for the first time in his life, wasn’t ashamed when he started crying. He was completely without words. This little girl was without a doubt, the most perfect thing he had ever seen. She had a small wisp of black hair on the very top of her head, and the sweetest, chubbiest cheeks possible. Her tiny rosebud mouth was hanging open, and she was just staring at him as he stared at her. Her eyes were the same dark blue that Gabriel told him most babies were born with, but they were so wide that Dean felt enraptured by them. Even covered in blood and birth fluid, she was perfect. Absolutely perfect.

“Eva,” he said, gently, “hello little girl, hello baby.”

He heard a shaky exhalation behind him and when he turned around, Castiel was staring at both of them with shining eyes.

“My daughter,” the jaguar said, smiling, “oh my God, look at her. She’s exquisite.”

Sam was grinning from ear to ear, and craning his head over Dean’s shoulder to get a better look at Eva. “She’s so small!”

Dean chuckled. “She didn’t feel small.”

Gabriel snorted. “They never do. Give her to Cas to clean, Dean, we need to deliver the placenta.”

Dean handed Castiel his daughter, tears coming to his eyes yet again when he saw the loving way Castiel cradled her and started to clean her off. Dean sighed and turned back to Gabriel, prepared for more pain, but the placenta came away easily; he barely had to push at all.

Gabriel walked over to Cas and looked down at his niece.

“She’s beautiful, guys. And you’re naming her Eva? Is that after Grandmother?”

Castiel nodded, gently stroking her head. “Yes, we’re going to call her Evie as a nickname.”

Sam grinned. “Evie. Can I hold her?”

Cas looked at Dean questioningly. Dean nodded. “Yeah, you can hold her, but I want her back as soon as you’re done.”

Gabriel cackled. “It’s always this way. ‘I’m scared, I won’t be a good...oh my God my baby! So beautiful!’ Deano, you’re a typical parent already.”

Dean frowned, and then yawned. “I’m so tired.”

Gabriel smiled sympathetically. “Of course you are, you’ve just gone through one of the most difficult things in you doing with that baby, Sammy?” Gabriel turned to Sam with a glint of amusement in his eyes, because Sam was holding the Evie awkwardly and staring at her like he didn’t quite know what to do with her. Right on cue, Evie started to fuss and cry.

Sam groaned. “I knew I wasn’t doing this right. What the hell am I going to do when our babies come?”

Gabriel rolled his eyes. “Relax, Sammy, she’s hungry, that’s all. Give her back to Dean so he can feed her.”

Dean was slightly nervous about learning to breastfeed but he eagerly took back his daughter.

“I don’t think I ever want to put her down,” he said, cradling his crying child against his chest.

“You might have some competition,” Castiel said, sitting behind Dean and resting his chin on Dean’s shoulder to look at their daughter, “my God she’s perfect.”

“Gag,” Gabriel said, settling next to Dean, “now, let me show you how to feed her, Deano.”

Dean relaxed and listened as Gabriel instructed him, entranced by the little life in his arms. He smiled, feeling his mate kiss his neck, and then looked down at the little girl again.

“I love you so much, baby, and I promise, whatever happens, I will make sure that nothing ever happens to you.”

author:vivhasarifle, pairing:sam/dean, genre: slash, fandom: supernatural, verse: unexpectedturning, pairing:dean/castiel

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