unextur5 (part B)

Mar 01, 2011 19:01

The pack was extremely happy to hear of another child on the way, and the party was already in full swing only a few hours after Gabriel and Sam made their big announcement. The drums were once again being played with enthusiasm and a hog was roasting on a spit over a large fire. Jaguars and lynx alike were laughing, shifting and dancing all over the place. Dean watched it all with a satisfied smile and walked over to his brother, who was also grinning.

“Congratulations, Sammy. Gabriel’s a fantastic guy.”

Sam smiled. “Yeah…he really is.”

Dean punched Sam’s shoulder playfully. “I can’t believe you’re going to be a daddy!”

Sam laughed. “I can’t believe you’re going to be a mommy.”

Dean frowned. “Shut up, bitch. My kids aren’t going to call me mom.”

Sam shrugged. “They might, especially if I tell them that’s your name.”

Dean’s eyes narrowed. “You wouldn’t.”

Sam shrugged. “Just wait.”

“All right, but I hope you’re cool with being aunt Sam.”

Sam snorted. “I’m not the one who’s knocked up, jerk.”



Dean started at the sound of his name, and turned around to see Castiel running towards him, shifting mid-run.


Dean didn’t understand what was happening, but he shifted anyway and started running towards Castiel, and saw Gabriel running towards Sam (who still couldn’t shift while his leg was healing) out of the corner of his eye.

Cas! What is it? Dean said as he reached his mate.

Your old Alpha is here with his second in command.

What? Dean turned his head, and sure enough he saw Azazel and Alastair approaching, both in lynx form.

Don’t be afraid, Dean, there are enough of us to protect you and fight them if we must.

Aw, how very sweet.

Dean shuddered. He would recognize Alastair’s voice anywhere.  Castiel stepped in front of Dean and arched his back.

Get away from my mate, scum.

Alastair and Azazel shifted to their human forms, and Alastair was laughing, his eyes fixed on Dean.

“I can smell you, Deano,” he said sinisterly. “You’re pregnant.” He sucked in a breath through his teeth. “Damn, I had hoped that I would be the first to taste you.”

Castiel snarled at Alastair and Azazel put a hand on Alastair’s chest, preventing him from fighting Castiel.

“Shift, Alpha-jaguar.” Azazel said quietly, “I have done you the respect of appearing in my human form rather than disposing of you, you could at least show me the same courtesy.”

Castiel shifted, his arm coming down to touch Dean’s back, a gentle hand stroking through Dean’s fur. “You,” Castiel said, his voice dangerously low, “know nothing of respect.”

Azazel chuckled. “Now, now,” he replied, “no need for insults. I’m simply here to claim what is mine. I want my pack back.”

“We left you willingly;” Sam said quietly, “you have no right to us.”

“Sammy-boy,” Azazel grinned, “how’s the leg? Gordon sends his best wishes.”

“Fuck you!” Sam spat and Gabriel growled warningly, nudging his mate with his head.

“You cannot take any members of my pack,” Castiel said, his voice unwavering, “they came to us and we have taken them in. Dean is my mate now, and we are expecting my heir, and Sam has taken a mate among us also, and as for the others, they are welcome to mate or not as they please, but I will not let them go unless they wish to leave.”

“And we don’t,” Dean heard Jo’s voice ring out and he was proud of the strength his friend was displaying.

“Oh, you needn’t worry about Dean and his little…package, jaguar. We’ll…take care of it accordingly.”

Dean tensed at Castiel’s side, his instincts kicking in at the threat to his child.

“How dare you?” Castiel’s voice was deeper and rougher than Dean had ever heard before. “Get out of my camp, and leave my people alone.”

“They’re not your people,” Alastair was grinning and Dean wanted nothing more than to bite him, “they belong to us. Dean should have my seed inside him, not yours!”

“Peace.” Azazel held up a hand, and Alastair shut his mouth, sulkily. Azazel turned to his friend and smiled. “In time, Alastair, in time, as soon as we have ripped that abomination out of him you will -.”

Azazel was silenced when Castiel shifted and launched at the lynx, pinning him to the ground with strong, black paws.

Listen to me, filth, Castiel’s claws were digging into Azazel’s shoulders, you can shift if you want, but I will still destroy you and rip you limb from limb. I am bigger, I am stronger, and I can defeat you without so much as breaking a sweat. You will not take my people, my mate, or my pack away from me. I do not wish for war, but I will fight to the last to protect those I love.

Castiel backed away and shifted back to his human form.

“Get out of my sight,” he said, and his lip curled.

Azazel stood, snarling at Castiel. “We’ll be back, little Alpha, don’t think that we won’t be.”

Castiel nodded and watched as the two of them left, gripping Dean’s shoulder hard enough to bruise.

The group let out a collective sigh when they were gone.

“Is everyone alright?” Castiel raised his voice and looked around the pack. Dean shifted and wrapped his arms around his mate, shaking. Castiel gently stroked his hair.

“Alright?!” Dean groaned as the familiar sound of Ruby’s voice rang out. “Alright? No, I am not alright! I’m about to have a baby and these lynx have brought trouble down onto all of our heads! Their Alpha is right! These children -.” Ruby looked at Dean and Gabriel and sneered. “These children are wrong. They won’t be lynx or jaguar or anything! I’d be surprised if they even survive! I mean, really Gabriel? Will you be able to stand losing another child?”

Gabriel froze and Sam looked confused; Dean guessed that he hadn’t told Sam about Jesse yet.

“Ruby!” Castiel’s voice was full of earth shattering rage, “you speak out of turn and the only reason I do not put you in your place is for your child’s sake. How dare you speak to my brother that way? How dare you speak of your Alpha’s family so? Have you no compassion? Don’t you care about the hardships these lynx have endured? You speak of your child, well fine, let us look at that. You are lucky enough to have found a mate, but as you know others in this pack are not so lucky, and with the arrival of our new lynx brethren comes new blood and mates for all of us. Do not speak that way again or you will be banished, do you understand me? I will cast you out.”

Ruby gaped, looking remarkably like a fish.

“She understands, Alpha,” Dean saw Crowley grip Ruby’s elbow and look at her sternly. “Shut up, idiot,” he said under his breath, glaring at his mate.

Castiel looked around. “Is there anyone else who wishes to voice their opinion?”

“Yeah,” Bobby’s voice rose above the general murmur, “I wanna say something.” He turned and faced the rest of the pack. “I know it ain’t easy, accepting us in, and I don’t deny that Azazel and Alastair mean business, but there’s something you should all know. I was in close with them before I left, not for any want, but to gather information. Azazel is a greedy, sneaky son of a bitch, and he knew about this pack before Dean even ran away. He’s been planning to invade and drive you off your land for a while now, and all us leaving did is give him an excuse. Now, knowing that, wouldn’t you rather have us here? People who know what he does and how he works?”

Castiel nodded. “Thank you, Bobby, a good point, and I wish to speak to you further on this matter. And to everyone else, I know you are scared; so am I, but I truly believe that this pack meld is a good thing for us, and I promise every last one of you that I will protect you, and that our pack will not fall, but rather we will become stronger.”

Various members of the pack nodded. Castiel smiled.

“Now,” he said, “I believe we were having a party.”

Soon enough the music began again, and people resumed celebrating. Castiel turned to Dean.

“My love…” He cupped Dean’s face with his hand. “Are you okay?”

Dean nodded, but he knew he was still trembling. “I’m okay, yeah.” Castiel wrapped his arms around Dean and Dean let out a deep sigh of relief and collapsed into Castiel’s embrace. “I’m so sorry I brought all of this on you, Cas.”

Castiel pressed a kiss to Dean’s temple. “You have brought nothing to me but joy, Dean. I love you.”

“I love you too.”

*There will be a Sam/Gabe outtake from this chapter coming soon.

genre:slash, author:vivhasarifle, verse: unexpectedturning

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