gabe 11

Feb 08, 2011 21:41

Title: Raising Hell (Or Not) 11/?
Author: vivhasarifle
Rating: PG-13
Genre and/or Pairing: slash, Cas/Dean, mention of Sam/OFC, AR, kid!fic, angst.
Characters: Dean, Castiel, Gabriel(ish), Sam, Raphael and...a surprise.
Spoilers: AR because of 5x19, spoilers up through all of season five.
Warnings: Bizarre plot? Swearing. Angst.
Word Count: 2041
Summary: What happens after…
Notes: I’ve always wanted to write kid!fic, but I’ve never quite been brave enough. So hopefully, people will actually like this. I had intended to write a traditional Gabe!fic but…best laid plans and all that.

Dean stared blankly at the bed his son had been sitting. Gabriel was gone.

He was gone.

“Cas?” Dean’s voice sounded hoarse even to his own ears. He felt a wetness on his cheek and realized he had started crying. “Cas?” Dean said again, weakly.

Before Dean knew what was happening Castiel was next to him and had wrapped his arms firmly around the other man, squeezing him so hard it hurt.

“It’s okay, Dean,” Castiel whispered. “I’m going to find him; I’ll bring him back.”

Dean wrapped his arms around Castiel and buried his face in the angel’s neck. “He’ll be different,” he whispered. “What if he doesn’t want to come back?”

“He will,” Castiel said, firmly. “I’m going to find him, I promise.”

Dean pulled back a little and pressed a desperate kiss onto Castiel’s mouth; their lips crashed together and Dean almost cried out in pain when he felt his bottom lip smash hard against Castiel’s teeth. Castiel was kissing him back, kissing back as if he couldn’t breath and Dean was an unending supply of oxygen. Dean sucked hard on Castiel’s lip and whimpered a little into his mouth, unable to deal with the pain of losing his son any other way.

Eventually Castiel pulled away and rested his forehead gently against Dean’s.

“Go home;” the angel said, softly, “talk to Sam and Bobby. Start researching and see if there is anything that could help. I will come to you as soon as I can, but first I have to find our son.”

Dean nodded, his eyes closed. He let out a soft breath and opened them again, meeting Castiel’s.

“When you find him,” he said, his voice cracking, “tell him I love him. Tell him I don’t care if he’s an angel or a human or whatever. Tell he can come home…tell him I need him to come home.”

Castiel nodded somberly. “Of course, Dean. I love you.”

Dean swallowed. “I love you too.”

Castiel disappeared, leaving Dean in an empty room.

Gabriel struggled against Raphael’s clutches. They were propelling through the air, wings furiously beating as they traveled further and further away from the motel room where Gabriel had got his grace back. Eventually Gabriel felt himself being pulled down; Raphael was descending and Gabriel allowed him to drag him with him. They landed on a patch of grass with a soft thud.

“Brother,” Raphael had an insane grin stretched across his features.

Gabriel smirked. “That’s right, bro. In the flesh.”

“Brother,” Raphael said again, “I’m so glad you’re back. The longer you spent trapped with those vermin the more afraid I became that you would never be able to return to your true self.”

Gabriel smiled and held out his arms to embrace Raphael. “Well, you helped me out with that, brother,” he said, as Raphael moved forward into Gabriel’s arms.

“I am so glad you’re not angry at my actions, Gabriel.”

Gabriel smiled and wrapped his arms tighter around Raphael. “Angry? No.” His hand closed around what he was looking for and his smile spread into a grin. “There’s only really one problem, Raph.”

Raphael pulled away and frowned. “What is that?”

Gabriel quickly thrust Raphael’s sword, which he had stolen while hugging him, into the other angel’s gut, twisting it hard as he spat, “I didn’t ask for your fucking help!”

Raphael’s shocked eyes met his and Gabriel dropped his brother to the floor, watching the life ebb out of him.

“You were always a dick, Raphael,” Gabriel said to the corpse, scuffing his shoe against one of the scorched wing marks that covered the ground, before spreading his own wings and taking flight.

Flying. Gabriel had forgotten how wonderful it felt to fly. All his years spent as a human had limited his ability to feel and now at last, at last, he was himself again. He put a shield around himself without any effort, knowing that Castiel (his ‘Papa’; Gabriel snorted at the thought) would be out looking for him, and certainly didn’t want anyone to find him. Not yet.

He had forgotten, however, about the cell phone that was still sitting in his pocket, and even as Gabriel made a graceful descent into the woods below he felt the infernal thing vibrate against his leg. He landed and took it out, inspecting it thoughtfully.

3 new messages.

Gabriel raised an eyebrow and listened to them patiently.

Gabriel, it’s Dad. Gabriel laughed out loud. Listen, we don’t care what happened, okay? I don’t care if you have wings now, I just want you to come home…just call me, okay? Let me know if you’re okay.

Gabriel scoffed and deleted the message. His Dad! Ridiculous! Dean Winchester was not Gabriel’s father, not anymore. Whether or not he had chosen it, Gabriel was back, and there was no returning to his brief human life, whether he wanted to or not.

Of course, he didn’t want to anyway, or at least that’s what he told himself.

The next message was from Sam.

Gabriel, it’s your uncle…are you okay? You can call us, you know. Let us know you’re okay. We love you kid.

Kid? Gabriel had millennia on all of them! How dare they? Gabriel wanted to scream. He didn’t even know how he felt anymore. Part of him was angry at having to leave; part of him was angry at how long he had stayed, and the rest of him just wanted to fly higher and higher until he couldn’t feel anything anymore but the wind on his wings.

The last message was from Bobby, and for some reason it was the message that Gabriel dreaded listening to the most. He decided against it, instead deleting all three messages and staring at the cell phone in his hand.

He closed his fist around it and watched as it was crushed into dust.

Dean was pacing the floor at his house, waiting for news, any news, from Castiel.

“Dean,” Sam said, sounding concerned, “you need to calm down. You’re not doing yourself any favors getting worked up like this.”

Dean felt something in him snap. He wasn’t angry at Sam, not really, but he was angry at everything and he just wanted to scream.

“Sorry I can’t take my fucking son disappearing as calmly as you can, Sam.”

Sam rolled his eyes. “I’m just trying to help, Dean.”

Dean came to an abrupt stop and turned to face his brother. “Well stop! Stop trying to help! Jesus, Sammy, he’s gone. Gabriel is gone and you don’t even seem to care!”

“Hey!” Sam stood up, a frown on his face. “Don’t say that to me, I love Gabriel. I just think you’re working yourself up and we can’t really do anything! Cas is looking for him, and honestly, I think Gabriel will come back when he’s ready.”

“Oh what to you care?” Dean spat. “He’s not your kid, right? You haven’t given two shits about Gabriel since the day I got him!”

Sam grit his teeth. “What the fuck is your problem? He’s my nephew! Of course I care -”

“You couldn’t possibly know what I’m going through, Sam. You don’t have any kids!”

Sam reeled back as if Dean had slapped him. For a second Dean felt guilty, but his anger took over and he opened his mouth to further berate his brother.

“I will,” Sam said quietly, interrupting Dean before he could speak.

Dean blinked. “What?”

“In seven months, I will. Laura’s pregnant.”

Dean let out a deep breath. “Oh my God…is that why you?”

Sam shook his head. “No, we only just found out yesterday.”

Dean smiled and pulled his brother into a hug. “Congratulations Sammy,” he said softly. “You’re going to be an amazing Dad.” He pulled away and looked at his brother sheepishly. “I’m sorry…about everything. I’m just so worried.”

Sam nodded. “I know, Dean.” He gripped his brother’s shoulder. “Everything’s going to be all right.”

Dean sighed. “You can’t know that, Sam.”

Sam shook his head. “I can. I know Gabriel will come back. He loves you.”

Dean sucked in a shuddering breath. “Gabriel loved me,” he said, his voice shaking, “but now…I don’t know, Sam. He’s got his grace back; all of his memories. He’s…he’s the archangel Gabriel again. I’m the father of Gabriel Winchester, but I don’t know if a billion year old angel will care about any of that.”

Dean wished that his brother would smile and say of course Gabriel would still love him, and of course Gabriel would care. Instead his brother just looked at him silently and squeezed his shoulder. That was when Dean knew.

Gabriel was never coming home.

Gabriel sighed happily as he soared through the air, smiling as he felt the joy of flying that he hadn’t been able to feel in years. How did humans do it? How could they live their lives without seeing things as they really were? Gabriel remembered his human eyes; remembered how grey everything had seemed in comparison to the way things looked now. He shuddered as he remembered all of the humiliating things he had endured during his brief stint as a human, crawling into bed with Dean Winchester when he was scared, eating, sleeping, shitting. No, Gabriel was never going back.

Gabriel never could go back.

He looked down at his arms and sighed. He would have to find another vessel. Running around in a thirteen year old body was not going to do him any favors, and besides which, sometimes when he caught a glimpse of himself he remembered his life with the Winchesters, and that was something Gabriel wanted so badly to just forget. The problem was, of course, that Gabriel’s previous vessel had been thousands of years old, and Gabriel didn’t know if that blood line had lived on throughout the years.

All of these complications made Gabriel want a drink. He looked down. He had no idea how long he had been flying or even where he was, and so he made to land, choosing a town at random. He looked around the sparse streets and deduced from sign that he was in Cleveland, Tennessee. Gabriel smiled. He had traveled almost nine hundred miles in a matter of minutes; he had missed his wings. Gabriel chuckled at how long it would have taken his Da - Dean Winchester to drive the distance. Dean would be sick with jealousy if Gabriel ever told him about it.

Except that he was never going to see the Winchesters again.

Gabriel looked around until he saw a small, grubby bar at the end of the street. He rolled back his shoulders and used his newly-regained powers to throw a glamour around himself. No one would notice the age of his vessel as long as he didn’t engage them in extended conversation. He strode confidently into the bar and ordered a drink; the bartender didn’t even give him a second glance. He was already sitting down at a dark table in the corner before he noticed a weird-looking skinny guy staring at him. Before Gabriel knew what was happening the man walked over to his table and sat down next to him.

“Aren’t you a little young to be drinking?” the man asked, rubbing at his stubble.

Gabriel snorted. “Aren’t you a little old and creepy to be hitting on young boys?” All the same, Gabriel silently inspected the man that had seen so quickly through his glamour. He appeared to have a low-level psychic ability. No surprise there.

“Hey man, I was just asking,” the man next to Gabriel looked nervous and twitchy…and yet oddly familiar.

“Yeah? Well mind your own business,” Gabriel said, snarkily.

The other man shrugged. “Whatever, I was just trying to be sociable…what’s your name by the way? Where are your parents?”

Gabriel glared at his drink. “I don’t have parents,” he hissed.

His companion shrugged. “Okay then. Still, what’s your name?”

Gabriel rolled his eyes. This guy clearly wasn’t going to buzz off and leave Gabriel alone.

“Gabriel,” he replied sharply.

The other man nodded. “Cool name,” he said, before sticking out his hand. Gabriel shook it reluctantly.

“I’m Chuck,” said his new acquaintance, smiling.

genre:slash, author:vivhasarifle, fandom: supernatural, verse: raisinghell

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