gabe 8

Jan 18, 2011 08:45

Title: Raising Hell (Or Not) 8/?
Author: vivhasarifle
Rating: PG-13
Genre and/or Pairing: slash, Cas/Dean, Sam/OFC AU, kid!fic, fluff, smut.
Characters: Dean, Castiel, Gabriel(ish), Sam.
Spoilers: AR because of 5x19, and spoilers for the episode. Just to be safe this fic will probably involve spoilers to do with every episode Gabriel’s in.
Warnings: Bizarre plot? Swearing. Angst.
Word Count: 2552
Summary: Oh, by the way, your father’s an angel…
Notes: I’ve always wanted to write kid!fic, but I’ve never quite been brave enough. So hopefully, people will actually like this. I had intended to write a traditional Gabe!fic but…best laid plans and all that.

That night Gabriel started screaming in his sleep. Dean immediately leapt up and ran to his son’s room, only to find that Castiel had flown there and was already cradling the small boy against his chest.

“Papa…” the boy was wailing, “Papa…”

Dean sat down on the other side of Gabriel and enveloped both Castiel and Gabriel in his arms.

“Daddy,” the little boy whispered, and Dean felt as if his heart would break.

“Tell us about it, Gabe. Tell us about the dream,” he whispered back.

“He…he ran away. The man. He was so sad, Daddy…he had to hide his wings. He ran away and joined a group of scary people. They eated people.”

Dean didn’t bother correcting his son’s language. Instead he placed a soft kiss on the top of Gabriel’s head.

“Everything’s going to be okay, Gabe,” he said, even though he wasn’t sure any more.

“Papa,” the young boy whispered, “You were in my dream again too, you were there when the bad man left. You were crying…Papa, why can’t I see your wings? I see them in my dreams.”

Castiel took a deep breath and looked at Dean.

“Cas, no. He’s not ready -”

“Because,” Castiel said, ignoring Dean. “My wings are part of my true form. If I show them to humans they could hurt them.”

Gabriel frowned. “Papa? You’re not human?”

Castiel shook his head. “No, my son. I’m an angel.”

Gabriel gasped. “From heaven?”

Castiel nodded. “Yes, Gabriel. I’m an angel from heaven.”

“Papa’s here to watch over us,” Dean supplied, trying to put a spin on it that Gabriel could understand.

Gabriel looked at his fathers. “The bad man…” he whispered, “Is he an angel?”

Castiel nodded. “He was, Gabriel, a strange one, but he doesn’t exist anymore. He can’t hurt you.”

Gabriel nodded and crawled onto Dean’s lap. “Can I sleep with you?”

“Yeah,” Dean picked his son up and carried him to their room.

The years went by and gradually, things got better. Gabriel learned early on not to tell anyone his father was an angel, more from other children’s jeers than any actual danger to their family. Castiel took to watching over Gabriel for the fist few minutes of his sleep, placing barriers inside his mind to prevent the dreams of his former life. It wasn’t ideal, but both he and Dean agreed that they couldn’t allow Gabriel to continue to be traumatized by his old self.

So Gabriel grew up with a relatively normal family, despite the fact that one of his fathers was an angel and the other one knew how to efficiently kill a rugaru. Gabriel excelled in school for the most part, although he constantly got in trouble for playing practical jokes on his classmates and teachers, but overall he was well-liked.

In Dean’s opinion, a little too well liked.

“But Dad! It’s Kacie Whitman! She’s like, the hottest girl in class!”

Dean shrugged. “Too bad, kiddo. You’re thirteen years old; you’re too young to date.”

“You ruin every thing!” Gabriel hissed back, until the conversation was interrupted by Sam’s snort.

“Sammy, stay out of this,” Dean warned.

Sam rolled his eyes. “You know, Gabe, the only reason your Dad is so weird about this is ‘cause he was a real man-slut when he was younger.”

“Sam!” Dean barked.

“You see?” Gabriel whined, “You’re only being weird about it because you made shitty choices -”

“You watch your language young man!”

“I hate you!” Gabriel screamed at Dean, before running upstairs and slamming his bedroom door shut, loudly.

Dean sighed. “Thanks, Sammy. That really helped a lot.”

Sam shrugged. “I don’t know why you’re being so uptight, Dean. So a couple of kids want to go to the movies together, what’s the big deal?”

“The big deal is, I remember what I was like at that age and I am far too young and good-looking to become a grandfather!”

Sam scoffed. “You’re insane. Like you said, Gabe’s thirteen. His thoughts on sex probably haven’t even moved past jacking off in the shower.”

Dean gagged and pressed his hands over his eyes. “Brain bleach!” he yelled, “I need some fucking brain bleach!”

Sam stood up and put his hand on Dean’s shoulder. “Dean,” he began, quietly, “You need to realize that your son is growing up. Just go talk to him; set some boundaries. Drop him off at the date and pick him up at an allotted time. Let him know funny business won’t be tolerated, but don’t be a douche bag hard-ass.”

Dean groaned. “Yeah, you’re probably right. I’ll go talk to him.”

When Dean knocked on his son’s door a few moments later he could hear classical music blasting at its highest volume from inside. When it became apparent Gabriel couldn’t hear his knocks he opened the door and walked in, reaching over to turn down the screechy opera* his son was listening to (Gabriel’s love of Mozart as a baby had grown with him, and now Dean had to put up with it all the time).

“Dad!” Gabriel sounded outraged. “Don’t you knock?”

“Yeah, I did, but you’ve got your weird music playing so loudly you couldn’t hear. What is this even about, anyway? It’s all in French or something.”

Gabriel rolled his eyes. “It’s German, actually. And it’s about a girl that has to kill her father,” Gabriel glared at Dean, in a typically dramatic teenaged way.

Dean cleared his throat. “Right, well um…I’ve been thinking, and I’ll let you go on that date with Kacie.”

Gabriel immediately brightened. “Really?”

Dean nodded. “Yes, with some ground rules.”

Gabriel’s face fell again. “Like what?”

“Like I’m dropping you off at the movie theater, and I’ll be picking you up again at eleven.”

“Dad!” Gabriel whined. “She’s going to think I’m a little kid!”

“And I want to talk to her parents before any of this happens.”

Gabriel huffed and fell back onto his pillows. “Fine,” he said, sullenly.

“And,” Dean continued, “Absolutely no below the neck action. You’re too young, and besides, if you’re going to date girls you have to respect them.”

Gabriel frowned. “Anything else, my lord?”

“Cut the sarcasm, it doesn’t suit you.”

Gabriel bit his lip, guiltily. “Sorry, Dad.”

Dean smiled, he was really way too much of a pushover. “It’s fine, kid. Now c’mere and give me a hug.”

Gabriel grinned and leapt up, approaching his father and circling his arms around the taller man.

“Love you, Dad.”

“Love you too, kiddo. Now do your homework. You’re not going anywhere if you flunk algebra. Turn off your music.”

Gabriel pulled away. “You know, Dad, studies show that students who listen to Mozart while they do their homework actual get higher grades than those who don’t.”

Dean snorted. “Yeah, but I’m pretty sure that only applies to kids who don’t rock out to Mozart like it’s Metallica.”

Gabriel looked affronted. “Mozart was the rock star of his age, Dad!”

Dean laughed, “Yeah, I know kid. Now start on that algebra and text Kacie to find out what movie she wants to see…and you’re going to see the movie she wants to see, okay? If you’re going to date you have to do it right.”

Gabriel nodded. “Sure thing, Dad.”

Dean smiled and made to leave the room before he was interrupted by his son.

“Hey Dad?”

Dean turned and saw his son frowning.

“Yeah, what’s up?”

Gabriel bit his lip. “Papa’s been gone for a few hours now…do you know when he’s getting home?”

Dean sighed. “No, I’m not sure. He usually calls me by now.”

Gabriel swallowed. “Yeah…it’s just getting late, you know?”

Dean nodded. “He’ll be back in time, Gabriel.”

Gabriel sighed and pulled open his backpack, searching for his homework. “I hope so.”

“Let me know is you need some help,” Dean said, before closing the door and going back downstairs. He paused at the base of the stairs and closed his eyes.

It wasn’t right that Dean’s thirteen year-old son was afraid to go asleep on his own. Dean knew that it was only a matter of time before he and Cas would have to tell Gabriel the full truth, and that fact terrified him. He flipped open his phone and dialed Castiel’s number. It went straight to voicemail.

“Cas, it’s me…again. Listen, it’s getting late and…Gabriel’s frightened, Cas. Will you just call me as soon as you can and let me know when you’ll be home?” Dean rubbed his brow. “I miss you.”

He hung up the phone and returned to his brother in the kitchen.

“How’d it go?” Sam said, not looking up from the daily crossword.

“Pretty good, but I can’t say I’m looking forward to the rest of his teenage years. You want some coffee?”

Sam nodded. “Yeah, that’d be awesome.”

Dean moved over to the machine and started to portion out the grinds.

“So how’s Laura?” Dean asked as he poured the water, “She okay?”

Sam beamed. About four years ago he had moved in with his girlfriend and they were still in what Bobby liked to call the ‘honey-moon phase’ and Dean liked to call the ‘disgusting phase’.

“She’s good,” Sam said, “I…I’m actually thinking of asking her to marry me.”

Dean almost dropped the mug he was holding. “Holy shit! When?”

Sam blushed. “I was going to take her away this week end.”

“This week end? Dude, that’s not thinking about it, that’s doing it!”

Sam laughed. “Yeah, I guess it kinda is.”

“Kinda my ass! Do you have a ring yet?”

Sam nodded.

Dean smiled and turned off the coffee pot. “Well fuck this noise about coffee - you and I are having a beer!” He reached into the fridge and pulled out two bottles, before cracking them both and handing one to Sam. “Here’s to you and your lady,” he cheered, before taking a drink.

“Well,” Sam cradled his beer in his hands. “She hasn’t said yes yet.”

Dean rolled his eyes. “Dude, she’s been with you for nine years; she’s probably pissed that you haven’t asked her before now.”

Sam chuckled. “Yeah, I guess you’re right…still, I’m nervous.”

Dean put his hand on Sam’s shoulder. “I’m going to go chick on you for exactly thirty seconds, and then we’re never going to mention it again, okay?”

Sam arched an eyebrow. “Sure.”

Dean took a deep breath. “Look, if being with Cas had taught me one thing…” Dean closed his eyes, “I cannot believe I am about to say this…if being with Cas has taught me one thing, it’s that some people are meant for each other -”

“Woman,” Sam snorted.

“Shut the fuck up, Sammy…but yeah…me and Cas, you and Laura…we make sense.” Dean let out a relieved sigh. “Phew! Done! Can we do something manly like watch a football game or something?”

Sam laughed out loud and clapped Dean on the shoulder. “Thanks man, it was good to hear that.”

Dean frowned. “What the hell did I just say? We’re never mentioning it again.”

Two hours later found Dean and Gabriel watching a movie together on the couch, Sam having gone home to Laura.

“I don’t get it,” Gabriel was lounging on the couch with his feet resting on Dean’s legs, “Why didn’t he just smuggle the bottle under his clothes? It doesn’t look like anyone was checking them. It just seems kind of dumb that he drank it and then had to throw it up in the car; not to mention nasty.”**

Dean snorted. “It’s a movie, kid. Relax a little.”

Gabriel shrugged. “You know how I get nit-picky about things.”

Dean nodded and turned back to the TV, watching Gerard Butler go after Dexter. He had to agree with Gabriel that the movie certainly wasn’t he best he had seen, but it was entertaining, and he needed a little distraction. He looked over at Gabriel affectionately and saw that his son had fallen asleep on the couch.

Oh God.

“Gabriel!” Dean sat forward and began to shake his son’s shoulder, “Gabriel wake up! Gabe!”

When Dean said Gabriel’s name for the third time the boy’s eyes snapped open and he let out a terrible scream, a scream so loud that for a moment Dean could have sworn that Gabriel still had his grace. Dean leapt forward and tried to shake Gabriel out of it but the boy only continued to stare and scream, as if in some kind of trance.

“Gabriel!” Dean choked out, digging his fingers into the boy’s arms.

Dean was so distracted he didn’t even see Castiel appear until the angel placed two fingers on their son’s head. The teenager looked relieved and sank back down onto the couch, his features relaxing as he sank into a peaceful sleep. Dean turned to look at Castiel and was met with a look so fiery that for a moment he was terrified of the angel.

“How could you let him fall asleep without me here?” Castiel hissed, gritting his teeth.

Dean was outraged. He stood as carefully as he could to avoid waking Gabriel and dragged Castiel into their kitchen.

“What the fuck did you just say to me? Where the hell have you been anyway?”

“I had to take care of some business in heaven.” Castiel was glaring at Dean, “It’s none of your concern.”

Dean’s eyes widened, “None of my - you’re my boyfriend and you’re the other father of my son! You’re the one who signed up for this! You can’t just flit in and out whenever you feel like it, Cas. Parenting doesn’t work that way -”

Castiel straightened his back and Dean could swear that the room’s temperature dropped a few degrees. “How dare you question my commitment to you and Gabriel? I have done everything for you! And you couldn’t wait just a little longer for me to get home? You had to let him go to sleep?”

Dean slammed his hand on the table, “We were watching a movie! I didn’t know he would pass out! And I had no idea when you were gonna get your feathery ass back here! You didn’t even bother to call, Cas. And Gabriel, whatever is going on with his dreams, is human, and humans have physical needs. He needs to sleep every night! You can’t just expect him to wait around for you.” Dean sat down at the kitchen table and ran his fingers through his hair.

He jumped a little when he felt Castiel’s fingers begin to knead at his shoulders.

“I am sorry, Dean. You’re right. It was unfair of me to place such blame on you. I should have informed you both of where I was.” Castiel sighed. “I think we have to tell him, Dean.”

Dean nodded, grimly. “I know, I’ve been thinking the same thing.”

“Tell me what?” A sleepy voice came from the kitchen doorway and Dean jumped.

“Hello Gabriel,” Dean didn’t think he had ever heard Castiel’s voice shake before.

“Hey Papa,” Gabriel smiled and crossed the room to hug his father, “When did you get back?”

“A few minutes ago.”

Gabriel grinned. “Cool, we missed you. So…what do you guys have to tell me?”

Dean took Castiel’s hand and squeezed it, hard.

“Sit down, Gabe, this could take a while.”

*Gabe is listening to the Queen Of The Night's aria from Mozart's 'The Magic Flute'  Listen here

**Gabriel and Dean are watching 'Gamer' starring Gerard Butler and Michael C. Hall.

verse: raisinghell

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