Apr 12, 2005 02:06
life is all about memories. ----- we live to make memories, but we live through memorable moments. i wish there was a rewind button sometimes. it seems all week long i've talked about "good old times" with so many people. waaa! =P
i'm * happy * confused * overwhelmed * anxious * curious * impatient * moody * irritated * loved * content * yet unsatisfied * -- in general that is.
i miss my family in israel more than anything. :( someone buy me a one way ticket for this summer...
three weeks till summer. well sorta, considering i'm taking summer classes. just the concept of summer makes it wishful thinking i guess.
i changed my major again: major in journalism, minor in magazine journalism. UCF...here i come *wishful thinking once again*
my cousin leaves on wednesday...gosh dammit how i'm gonna miss having him around. it sucks when you get use to someone after 7 months and they leave. it's gonna be weird not having him around. :(
- Xo - .... Viv