Nov 17, 2003 13:14
Been awhile since I've posted. On last Wed, Danika called me to tell me Emily had just called--Trueman had been injured over in Iraq, and another young man in his humvee was killed.
Devastating news.
I'm 46, and was conscious during the Vietnam War--I remember the body counts in the news each night.. yet, I didn't *know* anyone who went over to Vietnam, much less didn't come back.
My God, this is _so_ different. Poor Trueman! And poor Emily! And Robert Wise's family/friends (he's the young man who died...)
I' ve just been recently introduced to LiveJournal by Danika. And reading Trueman's lj has been compelling.
These 'kids', these young adults! I knew them as children. Danika and Emily have been friends since 3rd grade.
I've known Trueman since he was a freshman in high school. As well as Aaron, and David, and Isaac, and Momo, and Mikey.... Such wonderful, delightful kids!
And I have so enjoyed 'peeking' into these kids lives via LiveJournal -- what an awesome communication tool this is.
It has been wonderful keeping up on Trueman's progress, and seeing all the people who care about him, and his friends.
It has been wonderful seeing all the folks who have been 'there' for Emily through all this. And to be able to keep up with what's going on with her.
God, this sounds so corny, but I love these kids.