Seth-san, Lucy-san, Tomoyo-chan~ ♥
We have a new employee, Lilo-chan and her blue puppy Stitch. Please treat them as you would expect me to expect you to treat one another; like family! If you see Arisawa-san around for the next few days, I'll be working with her in the basement. She needs to be given a crash course in my expectations for a research assistant!
I hear that some joker tampered with my watermelon! How rude~! I apologize profusely for anyone involved, and promise to each and every person thus affected, free merchandise for recompense! Just because something is not my fault does not make it not my responsibility.
My apologies. My...humblest apologies.
Private//warded, hackable via strong kido;
They work. Most of them work...a general success rate. Invisibility, weightlessness, various other simple trials. They work. Not the truth serum, sadly, there's work to go with that...So hard to get what I need to create here, and yet...still I can manage to function. I'm even impressed with myself.
They're going to need me one day. They just can't think that far ahead anymore. Aizen Sousuke...
He won't steal anything of mine again.
[ooc: doc's appointment, so replies maybe delayed for an hour <3]