Aug 25, 2005 11:21
i plucked my eyebrows and am feeling much better now thank you.
i've been a stay at home mom for the past 5 years....spending 99% of my time with my daughter and now she is gone for almost 6 hours out of the day. i am at a loss of what to do with my time. i should draw and i will draw but for now i'm trying to get use to the idea that my little baby is no longer a baby......and that sucks. the laundry is done, the house is clean, and its too freakin quiet.
i called my best friend and got her to make me laugh. we talked about how starbucks should have "compton" coffee. ya know, not just Guatamalan, Sumatran, etc. imagine walking into SB and your barista says "we have sumatra or compton today". and you say "compton, bitch! i like my coffee black and strong. shit." its just a thought, though. we havent worked out the legalities. not sure who would find it amusing and who would find it offensive........
p.s. i hate the mood icons. all of them suck. and furthermore, am i suppose to know what have those adjectives mean. i think not.