Mar 18, 2009 21:27
i love this party. we're in the courting process.
i love the track by track leak. the horrible quality. the nights spent being a scavenger. the way it brings a lot of us together talking about the thing that brought us to be friends in the first place.
i love the plain song. play it next to england, the vibe is there. its cohesive. i cant wait for more :]
i went right into my akron 98 (top five shows) im back that ugly gym. and i cant fucking WAIT for this shit. i feel so inspired.
im like a little fucking kid on christmas.
its 13 years ago and im going home 'sick' from school so i can get to the warehouse when they open to buy my copy of boys for pele.
i wish i were in austin. i need these tour dates announced. im gonna go as far as my voucher can take me. i want lots of saturday nights, because i am THERE.