Insecurity & Jealousy

May 01, 2010 17:37

Title: Insecurity and Jealousy
Authors: vivalapaparazzi & vi_glassdragon 
Rating: G
Pairings: KeMaru ♥  (and a ninja pairing...guess who!)
Genre: Failed!Angst & Fluff?
Warnings: Un-betaed ♥
Summary: It wasn't like him to be the responsible one, but he had to be, since their "leader" was too busy with his new best friend.

"Yah! Can you be serious now, Kibum? We're supposed to be filming a Chicken CF and all you can do is play around with Kiseop" Kevin shouted from the other side of the small studio.

This was the 3rd time that he shouted at Kibum today and he was getting tired of reminding the older male about his responsibilty to the company who was paying them for this CF. He felt like Kibum wasn't listening to him, or he was ignoring everything he had said.

It wasn't like him to be the responsible one, but he had to be, since their "leader" was too busy with his new best friend, Kiseop.

"YAH! CAN'T YOU HEAR ME? I TOLD YOU TO QUIT PLAYING AROUND!" Kevin was furious now. He was exhausted from his schedules from the previous day, and Kibum wasn't helping at all. This was the final straw, and if Kibum wouldn't listen to him, then he would give up on the older male.

"FINE! GO AHEAD. DON'T LISTEN TO ME, BUT DON'T COME CRYING TO ME WHEN THE COMPANY ISN'T SATISFIED." He cried out, walking out of the studio. Soohyun was baffled by Kevin's sudden outburst. he looked over to Kibum and Kiseop but kept his silence as usual.

Kiseop was getting a little too excited about this filming, knowing that only popular idol groups film these sorts of CFs. He was getting into the whole Chicken CF theme that he was goofing off with Kibum poking fun at Eli.

"Yah~ Eli, you should be the mascot!" Kibum laughed slapping at the other male's biceps.

"Yeah, Pigeons are not far from Chickens!" Kiseop added and the group burst in laughter. Kibum didn't notice that Kevin was already yelling at him from behind, he whirled around only to catch Kevin's last sentence.

Kibum blinked twice. "Y-Yah. What the heck did I do this time?"

Kiseop looked over at his hyung and frowned seeing as Kibum wasn't in the mood for any fooling around anymore. He didn't know what to feel, happy that Kibum and Kevin were now not in good terms or sad because Kibum seemed like he didn't want to be there right now.

Kiseop placed a hand on Kibum's shoulder, "Hyung?"

Kibum sighed, "Why has he been acting like this? I mean, he's been so grumpy lately... I wonder what I did." Kibum thought out loud as he slumped onto an armchair.

Kevin sat in the empty hallway, back leaning against the wall. "Umma...are you okay?" Dongho called out from behind the door, face filled with worry and at the same time a hint of fright.

Kevin nodded and approached the younger male, ruffling his hair reassuringly. "Ne. I'm okay...I'm sorry about exploding like that...Umma's just tired..." he sighed, peeking into the now quiet studio.

"I just...I want to go home..."

Soohyun was seated on the couch, gaze fixed upon Kiseop. "You okay, Seopie? You look a little pale..."

"Should I just go out and apologize? I don't even know what I did!" Kibum said burying his face in his palms.

Kiseop watched him debate with himself. He wondered if Kibum would ever be as concerned for him like he's concerned with Kevin. The younger male flinched hearing Soohyun, he nodded.

", but... Kibum hyung isn't...Ah, eottokhae~ I feel like it's my fault, but I don't feel that bad about it." Kiseop said,

"I know that sounds horrible but--- Hyung, what can I do? Kevin's the only thing that's on hyung's mind most of the time. He doesn't even look at me the same way he looks at Kevin." He whimpered,


Dongho pouted and tugged at the older male's sleeve. "Umma~ you can't go! I mean...I may be the star,'re important too!"

Kevin giggled, watching Dongho pout and widen his eyes. He ruffled his hair again softly, nodding his head. "But Dongho...I don't want to face Kibum hyung and Kiseop hyung right now..." he sighed, turning away from the magnae.

"Aish...fine. I'll go back but...don't expect me to talk to them..."

Soohyun watched as Kiseop whimpered at the sight of Kibum. He was jealous of Kibum because he had both Kiseop and Kevin caring for him. He had no one to care for him.

"Omo..come here you." he shook his head, pulling Kiseop closer to him.

"Don't worry...Kibum will find a way to fix this...he always does."

Kiseop sighed and let his arms snake around Soohyun's neck before hearing the door open, he tugged away from Soohyun and whirled around. It was Kevin again. Kiseop's eyes quickly turned to Kibum who was about ready to stand and talk to Kevin,

"Y-Yah~ K-Kevi---" Kibum was cut off by Kiseop who stood in front of him.

"WHATAMIDOING?!" Kiseop thought before smiling nervously.

"What are you doing?" Kibum raised a brow, "W-Well, I was thinking..." Kiseop started, stuttering slightly.

"Kevin must still be mad at you, he doesn't look like he wants to talk and if he did, he wouldn't look as ticked off as he is. You might piss him off more by coming onto him so aggressively." Kiseop explained.

Kibum raised a brow, "KEVIN-AH~" He brushed past Kiseop.

Kevin looked up at Kibum timidly before walking past the older male. "Dongho-ah...kaja." He called out, turning back to look at the magnae.

"Coming, umma~" Dongho sighed, looking at Kibum with curious eyes before trotting past him and walking side by side with Kevin.

"Let's do this right this time?" he smiled, although Soohyun noticed a bit of fakeness in Kevin's usual smile. The blond male glared at Kiseop and Kibum, before turning to the director.

"Sorry for the delay...we'll do it again..." he bowed politely before stepping in front of the white screen.

Soohyun watched as Kiseop's face fell seeing Kibum brush him off so easily. He approached the younger male and placed a hand on his shoulder, giving him a reassuring smile. "Let's go?"

Kiseop sighed, rubbing at the shoulder Kibum brushed against. "A-Araso, hyung..." Kiseop said quietly, following obediently behind Soohyun.

Kibum desperately moved through Eli and Dongho just to get to Kevin. "Yah..." He said as he reached out mindlessly to take Kevin's hand into his. Kibum, realizing what he just did, didn't move from his place. He waited patiently for Kevin's reaction.

Kevin was shocked to find his own hand in Kibum's. He looked up to meet the gaze of the older male and he began to speak. "W-What do you think you're doing? We're supposed to be working.”

Soohyun looked back at Kiseop, ruffling the younger male's styled hair. "Yah...don't be sad...smiiiile!" He teased, grinning widely.

Kiseop looked at Soohyun before attempting a smile, he failed miserably. "I can't do it, hyung..." He turned to look at the direction Kibum and Kevin were.

"Ah...apa..." He said, feeling his heart thump hard once.

Kibum sighed, "That's what I was supposed to be doing earlier. Mianhae, Kevin-ah..." He said, squeezing Kevin's hand. "Mian. I'll be serious now, you don't need to forgive me yet." He let go and turned to the camera.

Soohyun pulled Kiseop in for a hug and he pat the younger male's back reassuringly. "There are plenty of fish in the sea?" He smiled, desperately trying to cheer Kiseop up.

Kevin watched as Kibum turned away. "H-Hyung...I--" He was cut off by Dongho, who pulled him to face the camera as well. "Come on, hyung~! We're starting~!"

Kibum watched as the magnae tugged his umma away. He only stood there, finishing the last of his lines before retreating to a seat.

Kiseop hugged Soohyun back weakly before looking up to see Kibum alone again. He couldn't waste this opportunity.

"...but would it be so bad to just want one?" He whispered back to Soohyun before excusing himself and jogging over to Kibum.

"Hyung!" He said, smiling a little, Kibum looked up. "He didn't forgive me. Well, not yet. Kevin won't be able to resist me..." he said a little conceitedly.

Kiseop stood there and nodded. "N-Ne...I'm sure he'll get around it." He said, scratching his neck before sitting down beside Kibum.

Soohyun watched as Kiseop trotted over to Kibum. He walked over to the wall and sank to the floor, sighing. He looked over to Kiseop longingly.

"Would it be so wrong to want you?"

Kevin watched as Kibum sat on the couch. He was ready to forgive the older male but he saw Kiseop approaching Kibum, talking to his hyung animatedly. "Aish..." He growled, turning away in jealousy.

Kibum's face lit up as soon as he saw Kevin approach, he was about to stand up anf say something before Kevin walked away. Kibum stood there dumbfounded. "I don't get it. What did I do?"

Kiseop smirked, "I guess you're not good enough for Kevin?" He said a little too harshly.

"What the hell are you talking about?"

Kiseop shrugged, "I mean, why would he forgive you for fooling around when Eli's over there working his butt off. You can just tell by the way Kevin stares." Kiseop said, making up stories again.

Kibum slumped back down. "I can't believe it..."

Kiseop turned over to his Soohyun hyung and winked devilishly.

Kevin walked over to Dongho, who was seated on the couch next to the door. "He's always too busy with his new best friend's like they're attached at the hip!" He whined, glaring at the two across the room. "He never listens to me anymore..."

Soohyun saw Kiseop wink at him and his heart leapt. However, he soon realized what the wink meant. He stood up from his position on the floor and walked out of the room.

"Why do I have to want someone who loves someone else?"

Kibum rubbed his fingertips at his temple. "He can't like that pigeon, can he? He can't even speak Korean that well! Aish. I'm gonna go talk to Kevin right now..."

Kiseop suddenly panicked, "Mwo?! Hyung! Jakkaman--" He reached for Kibum's jacket but it slip through his fingers. Just like the chances he has with Kibum.

"Yah." Kibum approached Kevin. "So you like birds now, huh?" Kibum accused, crossing his arms as he stood in front of Kevin.

Kevin looked up to see Kibum standing in front of him. "Mwo? What are you talking about...and aren't you supposed to be with your best friend now? Why are you suddenly talking to me?" Kevin argued, standing up to meet Kibum's eyes.

Soohyun heard shouting from inside so he peeked from behind the door. "Omo...what's happening?"

Kibum growled under his breath before retorting sternly. "Yah. Don't talk to your hyung like that. If you want to hang around with more hardworking guys then go ahead. I was just trying to lighten up the mood, but obviously, you never saw that." Kibum exhaled.

"I'm leaving." He said, storming out of the studio suddenly and pulling his car door to get in. He slammed his fists onto the horn and accidentally let out a loud one.

Kiseop watched as Kibum stormed away. "Ah! Hyung!" He chased him until Kibum slammed the door at his nose. "Ah! Jinjja..." Kiseop said, grabbing onto the bridge of his nose, blinking rapidly.

Kevin sighed, sinking down to the floor. His gaze was directed to the floor, which seemed a whole lot more interesting than anything else in the room. "What have I done..." he sighed.

Soohyun rushed over Kiseop and motioned for him to sit down. "Omo...are you okay?" He examined Kiseop's face curiously. "It just needs a little ice. Let me go get some." He rushed over to the staff to seek help.

Kibum slammed on it one last time before finally, the tears started streaming down his face as he fiddled with his keys before finally placing them in and driving out of the parking lot, towards their dorm.

Kiseop nodded and grabbed Soohyun's wrist. "Hyung, I'm okay...I'm okay." He sighed, "Kibum hyung clearly isn't. I can't believe what I just did, hyung. It's so unlike me..."

Soohyun sighed. "He isn't the only one who isn't okay..." He pointed his gaze towards Kevin, who began to sob.

"Umma...don't cry..." Dongho spoke, softly cradling Kevin. Kevin looked up at the magnae, tears streaming down his face.

"I'm so stupid, Ho-ah..."

Kiseop wanted to break down as well, "Ah, hyung. Why is it so hard? Why can't I just accept that Kibum hyung doesn't want me that way?" He said, grabbing onto Soohyun's coat. "Why did I have to go through all out of myself to do this and now I feel horrible, I should just stop..."

Kibum reached the dorm and entered before slamming the door behind him loudly and sinking down to the floor with his back leaned against the main door's material.

"Kevin..." he sobbed, brushing his hair upwards as he continued to sob.

Soohyun sympathized with the younger male. "It really is hard...loving someone who loves someone else really makes you do crazy things." He pat his back before looking at the broken Kevin on the floor.

" have to fix them."

Kiseop groaned, falling into Soohyun's arms. "...but I don't want to fix them...I still want Kibum hyung badly. Hyung, it hurts. I want him. Hyung..." Kiseop lightly pounded onto the thicker male's chest as he buried his head into Soohyun's coat.

Kibum knew Kevin well enough to know that he was crying right now...and Kibum wasn't one for complicated situations. He wobbled onto the computer and typed away for a solution when he came across Kevin's twitter. A sudden idea crossed his mind before he typed away furiously and entered. He looked down at his phone, thinking he should make things right.

Now the whole world knows how much you mean to me.

He hit send.

Soohyun rubbed Kiseop's back before whispering to himself. "I know how much it hurts...seeing you like this..."

Alexander was quietly seated on the corner of the room, fiddling with his iPhone. He was shocked to see Kibum's tweet so he rushed to Kevin's side, nudging the younger male softly. " have to see this." He smiled, passing the phone to Kevin.

"H-Hyung..." was all Kevin could say before looking up to the rest. "Home...I want to go home, hyung."

Kiseop lifted his head hearing the buzzing noises over at Kevin's side of the room. "W-What's happening?"

Kibum sighed staring down at his phone.

"I guess he still hates me." He sighed tossing it over to the coffee table and rubbing furiously at his face. "Ah, jinjja...this is stressing me out..."

Soohyun pulled Kiseop up gently. "We're going home." He spoke, opening the door for the rest of the members.

As soon as they reached the dorm, Kevin ran to the door, opening it and rushing in to look for Kibum. "Yah...where is he?" He whispered.

Kibum had fallen asleep on the couch with the remote slightly falling off his pam. He didn't even wake to the sound of the door busting open.

Kiseop stood there staring at the angelic sleeping face of Kibum before he noticed that he left his twitter on. He turned to peek at what he recently typed in and saw his message for Kevin. Kiseop stood there, and even if he didn't want to read it over and over again, his tearful eyes wouldn't tear away from the computer screen.

Kevin shook Kibum awake. "Hyung...hyung..."

Soohyun carefully approached Kiseop, looking over to the computer as well. He pulled the younger man to him and cradled him close. "Seopie..."

Kibum's eyes suddenly fluttered open. "K-Kevin...ah..." he said sitting up, looking at the younger male in the eyes.

Kiseop let Soohyun hold him. "Hyung..." He said, shaking him slightly.

"I officially give up."

Kevin hugged Kibum tightly. "I'm sorry..."

Soohyun held Kiseop and sighed. "I'm here."

Kibum only smile and pulled Kevin in a tighter hug. "Ah, gwenchanna. Kevin ah..." he said

"...I really did miss you."

Kiseop held onto Soohyun's sleeve and tugged him into the room, closing the door behind them both before he pinned his hyung to the door in a hug.

That was the first time Kiseop felt right.

Tasha, don't kill me, I know I typed it weirdly. >.>

u-kiss: a brother kiseop, fandom: u-kiss, u-kiss: o brother eli, u-kiss: b boy dongho, entry: fanfiction, pairing: kemaru, u-kiss: o brother alexander, u-kiss: o brother kevin, u-kiss: o brother kibum, collaboration: vi_glassdragon (tasha), u-kiss: a brother soohyun

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