"It started out with a kiss, how did it end up like this..."

Aug 10, 2004 20:32

Ahhh Sunday was a fucking trip!

-Popov vodka
-"Sex In A Can"
-Chinese cigarettes
-Drunken phone call (sorry Jeffy)
-great CD mixes by Sandra
-long lines
-Hollywood club [82]
-boys with girlfriends
-the GNO crew (Drama Free Version)
-the BNO crew
-make-out sessions: Back seat, outside the club, inside the club, Denny's...you get the point.

...I don't remember much of last night but the list above is some of what I do.

A side note to him:

I want to thank you for making me feel "special" for one night. The things you said made me feel "different". I hope the things you said weren't just bullshit. Although there's all this Drama that came along with what happened last night, I just hope what went down doesn't change the fact that we're just friends. I would hate it if things got awkward, as they seem to always do. I guess I'll see you when I see you...


|| Neil & Me representing VLO ||

|| Jeffy and Me ||

|| Paul, Jeff, Mel, Matt, Me ||

|| Mel, Jeffy, Me ||

|| TMS..? I think so ||

|| I totally look Asian in this one.. ||


On Saturday I saw Napoleon Dynaminte with Jeremy and Jeff.

See here's the thing, I went to the movies thinking that if I watched ND it would CHANGE MY WHOLE LIFE FOREVER! But all I learned was there's some really odd retro people living in Idaho. All the ridiculous amount of hype that surrounds this film is insane. I came out of movie thinking it was decent but not the revolutionary film everyone keeps saying it is. I think an hour and a half of monotone acting just gets old after a while. But don't get me wrong I laughed my ass off during some parts. I just think people started a bandwagon and everyone jumped on it. Donnie Darko need to be replaced someday right? Umm yeah I'm done being negative.


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