Oct 02, 2006 14:04
Ah, God.
I was sitting next to a woman in temple yesterday who told me my hair smelled good, and then proceeded to use that as an icebreaker to talk to me during the service from Kol Nidrei to the Mourner's Kaddish [read-probably over an hour]. I was trying to be pious, dammit. I informed my mother in Hebrew that she was getting on my nerves, not realizing that a passel of Israeli women were sitting in front of me, and started snort-laughing and shooting me thumbs-ups.
My parents put off putting the cat down until this morning, since she was throwing up blood last night. I decided that even though she was mean spirited, that was not the way to go.
I feel bad for Jen's teeth, and the fact that I broke fast as soon as I got home from temple last night with those veggie stick potato chip things.
There were two school shooting-related incidents today. One in Vegas, and one in Amish Country.
AND- I'm reading a book by the woman who wrote "Sex and the City". I'm not impressed in the least.