My Strawberry Night

Mar 30, 2010 20:30

Title : My Strawberry Night
Author : vivalahyuk
Pairing : Donghae/Eunhyuk
Rating : R

A/N: The idea popped out into my mind while my lecturer was blabbing about universe and bla and bla and bla. Who cares? xDDD I was typing this with the strawberry yogurt beside me. I ♥ strawberry yogurt damn much!

Hyukjae hates when Donghae is being clueless and ignorant. Hyukjae hates it more if Donghae does that to him. Just like that day. It was Sunday morning and all the members of Super Junior had gathered round in the living room of 12th floor’s dorm. They had a day-off of schedules, so being a good leader he was, Leeteuk had had planned to clean their dorm by their own hands. By that, he meant the 12th floor dorm. Because with Kangin and Shindong living together, the 12th floor dorm was a total mess. You can find many empty bottles of beer, pieces of left-over pork, unclean underwears, and many other things you don’t even wanna know.
“But, why we included?” Hyukjae asked, feeling suspicious.
“Easy, because we’re all members,” said Heechul with a smirk.
Kyuhyun didn’t fall that easy, “Here’s the things, we live downstairs. We have nothing to do with hyungs’ dorm. Just take care by yourself and we take care of mine, alright? Let’s go, hyung!” Kyuhyun said grabbing Sungmin’s and Hyukjae’s arms, Ryeowook and Yesung followed along.
“Wait,” Heechul ordered, “Are you guys against us? Notice this, we are the hyungs and you are the dongsaengs. You know the rules, right?”
Sungmin patted Kyuhyun’s back, “We should help them, Kyuhyun-ah.”
“But we have nothing to do with this! And I still have Starcraft to continue on!” Kyuhyun said with a pout on his face.
“Kyuhyun-ah!” Kangin called.
“Take care of the bathroom!”
“Urghh, you’re gonna pay, hyung,” Kyuhyun muttered, walking briskly to the bathroom.
Hyukjae let out a deep sigh, but as soon as he saw Donghae, he smiled his gummy smile brightly, “Donghae-ah~”
“I’ll clean your room, okay? Maybe.., maybe we can have our make out session while we do the cleaning,” said Hyukjae as he clung on Donghae’s muscled arms.
“Don’t,” Donghae exclaimed an annoyed expression appeared on his face, “my room is fine. You can help the others.”
Hyukjae was petrified, as if he got stricken by lightning, “Why?”
“Because I said so,” Donghae answered shortly heading to his room.
Hyukjae felt really offended by Donghae words. Holding his tears that about to burst, he went to help Kangin getting rid of empty beer bottles.

♥ ♥ ♥

“Ouch, my back,” Leeteuk groaned in pain, “Hyukjae-ah, clean this corner, will ya?”
“Hyukjae-ah, fold my underwear after you help Teuk-hyung, okay?” Shindong said from inside his room.
Hyukjae shook his head in disbelief, “They’re evil hyungs.”
After Hyukjae had had struggle with a bunch of undies, dust, and empty bottles, not to mention left-over food and dishes, he threw his body onto the couch. He laid there lifelessly watching the other members who was eating like there’s no tomorrow. Hyukjae stole a glance at Donghae’s door room. There was still no existence of Donghae after he had banned Hyukjae from his room. He sighed heavily. Feeling exhausted by both of his mind and body, Hyukjae fell asleep on the couch.

♥ ♥ ♥

Donghae woke up from his sleep, checking the clock. It was 1:00 AM and he was feeling thirsty. So he came out from his room and headed to the kitchen. After he had gotten what he wanted, Donghae walked slowly back to his room. He was passing the couch when suddenly he heard someone tried to hold himself from crying. Donghae looked over the couch and he found his boyfriend was sitting there, covering his face with both hands.
“Hyukkie, what’s wrong? Why are you still here?” Donghae asked, positioning himself next to Hyukjae.
“I..I..I’m sorry, Hae-ah,” Hyukjae managed to speak in between his tears.
Donghae frowned. He had no idea at all. “Sorry? Sorry for what?”
“You.., you’ve been avoiding me all day. I did something wrong to you, didn’t I? I’m a bad person~” Hyukjae said still sobbing.
Donghae wiped away Hyukjae’s tears, “You didn’t do something wrong to me, Hyukkie.”
“So why didn’t you let me cleaning your room? Why didn’t you speak to me? Why didn’t you hug me and kiss me and.., and touch me?” Hyukjae cried harder.
Donghae scratched his head, “Well, I was just feeling tired. I didn’t wanna ruin your mood.”
“Well, you did. Duh~”
Donghae smiled. He hugged his lover and stroked his back gently. “Hyukkie, I’m sorry. I’m extremely tired and bored and angry of our tight schedules. My body was wrecked and unexpectedly Teuk-hyung appeared in front of our faces ordering us to do this and that. What is the meaning of a day-off if I didn’t get my recess?”
Hyukjae managed to stop himself from sobbing and hugged Donghae back, “Oh my fishie, why didn’t you tell me?”
“Well.., to tell you the truth, I was afraid I’m gonna use you as my anger release, Hyukkie.”
“What do you mean?”
“You know what I mean, Hyuk-ah.”
“You mean, you were afraid you’re gonna make me as your sex slave?”
Donghae nodded shyly, bending his head down.
“What’s the problem? I enjoy it.”
Donghae lifted up his own face and cupped Hyukjae’s face with both hands, “No! Sex with you is a sacred thing to do. It’s something crucial and I want to do it properly.”
“We can’t let anger and depression as reasons to do sex. We need pure minds and innocent souls so the sex comes out well and amazing.”
“What are you? A preacher? You are so weird, Lee Donghae.”
Donghae stole a peck on Hyukjae’s lips and said, “Yes, you’re weirdo.”
“Now,” said Donghae holding Hyukjae’s hands, “what do you want as payback?”
“Yes, payback because I was acting like a jerk the whole day.”
Hyukjae wandered his eyes around the room, “Do you have strawberry milk in your fridge?”
“Strawberry milk? No, we don’t have that.”
Hyukjae pouted cutely.
“But I have strawberry yogurt if you want, Hyukkie-ah.”
“Stawberry yogurt?”
“Yes, at least it still has the strawberry flavor. Wait, okay? I’ll take it.”
Donghae had back with strawberry yogurt and spoon in hands. Hyukjae looked at him with curiosity.
“Aaaa..” Donghae said asking Hyukjae to open his mouth.
“Does that taste good?”
“Just try it first!” Donghae tried to open Hyukjae’s mouth with the spoon.
Hyukjae opened his mouth worriedly. But instead of swallowing it, Hyukjae kept it on his tongue.
“Are you swallowing it?”
Hyukjae nodded his head hesitantly.
Donghae chuckled, “Nah, you’re not. Let me.” He cupped Hyukjae’s face and brought him closer. All of sudden, Donghae slid his tongue into Hyukjae’s mouth. He then pushed the strawberry yogurt deep inside the other boy’s cavern like an expert. Hyukjae moaned wantonly, grabbing Donghae’s hair to intimate the space. He was pretty sure he could feel Donghae’s smile on his lips. Donghae released the kisses and asked Hyukjae, “Does that taste good?”
“Which one? The kisses or the yogurt?”
“Of course the yogurt, sweetie. My kisses to you are always good.”
Hyukjae giggled of Donghae confidence.
“Actually, it does taste good. I want more, Hae-ah,” Hyukjae said as he took the yogurt away. At first, Hyukjae ate it properly, but suddenly it turned out like a wild midnight show. Hyukjae put the spoon away and start dipping his finger inside the yogurt pack. He licked his finger and sucked it sensually. He took out his tongue and licked the strawberry yogurt from the corner of his lip. Donghae watched his boyfriend, feeling stunned. That actions actually reminded Donghae of Hyukjae doing that to his cum. Dammit. Donghae tried to restrain himself. But the evident of the bulge inside Donghae pants obviously didn’t want to agree.
“Having dirty thoughts of me?” Hyukjae asked sexily, sucking in his finger.
Donghae looked at him with lusty eyes, “Room. Now.”
Hyukjae smiled teasingly, “But, I thought we need pure mind and innocent soul so the sex comes out well and amazing. You, definitely, don’t have both of them, Hae-ah.”
“Pure and innocent my ass. Room. Now,” Donghae demanded heading towards his room.
“But, I haven’t finished with the strawberry yogurt~” Hyukjae sulked.
“Your fault. Just throw it away.”
Hyukjae pouted. Suddenly an idea flashed across his mind, “Maybe.., we can use the strawberry yogurt as the lube?”
Donghae turned around and faced Hyukjae, “What?”
“You know. You can cover your fingers with the yogurt. It’s gonna taste strawberry right, Hae-ah? I love strawberry. So I can enjoy my time while licking and sucking your fingers. Or..or..better, you can cover your cock with it and I’m gonna s..”
“OKAY! Take the yogurt with you,” Donghae cut Hyukjae words. “Geez, how could he say that with an innocent-like-a-kid face?” thought Donghae while he was opening the door.
“So I can take the strawberry yogurt inside, Hae-ah?”
“Oh yeah~”
Donghae closed the door and entered his room, taking Hyukjae and the yogurt inside. Their strawberry night had just begun~

♥ ♥ ♥

p.s. For those who loves strawberry yogurt just like me, I’m not making you disgust, aren’t I? If yes, well you can always try different flavor xDDDD

donghae/eunhyuk, fanfic

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