(no subject)

Apr 11, 2005 21:40

Hey luvleeeees!  Thanks for the wonderful comments in my last post i love you guys!

Last Wednesday-I went over to Haleys house and then TJ came over too and we hung out with Miss Haley then we went to MOES and i let haley drive my car wooo and ate and then Cold Stone and we saw the beautiful Kay and Marilee then we went to see Renus art show ahh that was so fun renuka is so TALENTED my gosh i wish i was as good at something as she is and we all just tlked outside for a while

neways so this weekend consisted of dance dance dance dance dance i slet a little bit in between

so friday night i went to Kayes sweet 16 in Kissimiee which was fun i havent seen taht girl in FOREVER she looked gorgeous and Kenny and Lorraine were there getting there groove on it was so fun then came home

Saturday morninng-woke up freakin early for DANCE off course what else? then danced till like 11 something then went home took a shower and then picked up jenn and went to MOES for lunch YUMMY it was so good but its annoying when they go WELCOME TO MOES every 2 seconds then we picked up renuka bc jenn wanted to see her art work so we went back to the Triple AAA building but the stupid security was like its closed on the weekends so we went back to Renus house a layed around then Jenn and I left and we went to Haleys house and hung out with her b4 she went to CLUB PARIS with Brett JR Megan hmph then i took jenn home and went back to dance till like 8 something and i went home and no one was home so i got in the shower and came out and got dressed and sandeep surprised me and we took a walk and saw Andrew Yvette Michelle and Aaron? LM kids lol

then sunday 10-12 something was dance prac number 1

12-2 was practice number 2

2:15-5:30 was practice number 3

omg what a DANCEFUL weekend lol

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