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Jan 09, 2005 01:15

everything has been so great lately

wed~went to the beach with AL and Jenn to surf it was SO nice out except we got attacked my sea gulls and AL got her car stuck in the sand like really bad it was like sinking but soooooo fun i look hott in a wet suit lol jk

fri~stayed home and went to the gym and worked out and then to a dance technique class for hip hop : ) it was so hard but i feel ready for hip hop i wasnt even gonna take that but my mom called my old dance teacher and he told me to come in

sat/today~haley Jenn and AL came over and we went to rent Napolean Dynamite but no one had it sooo we just chilled out that was hella fun and we were gonna go to jays but then change of plans and we might maybe go tomarrow i dont know yet

im SO happy i get another week off i just have to go monday for the first 4 or 5 periods then i dont have ne exams to take i just have to go to school for show choir bc we are learning choreography ugh : (

this week im
going to a few partys
hanging out with allie
hanging out with jenn haley and AL
hanging out with my brother b4 he leaves
working on Miss SHS stuff
going shopping but thats given
working out at the gym everyday
getting my hair appointment

i feel kinda bad right now

<3 later babes
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