Huka duh Peppo...Boopa do Bepo....Buca di Beppo!

May 06, 2006 11:40

Yeserday spent 4 full hours at NOrth Market. Bough an UH-MAZING scarf for spring (you know, all that cold weather and everything.) Fell in love with the lady at the pasta stand. Terrified of the lady who sells soy bean lotion. (P.S. it would help if you guys wore name tags) And had the best rasberries I have ever in my life! WOW. Perfected, produce guys. Thumbs up. Way up.
A lot accomplished at Buca di Beppo (notice correct spelling) Decided that it is not a good idea to eat at a dinner table with the Pope's head displayed in a plastic box. Struck me as..non-Catholic. But, Buca meatballs. An excellent, almost THREE inches in diameter ball of marveling meatness, meatball. Dinner was awesome.
And, I guess this is pretty important part of my night, Um..yeah, I proved evolution. The long, complicated debate between creative intelligence and evolution is over. Okay, "We eat bananas, humans. And monkeys eat bananas. Therefore, humans came from monkeys." YaahtzEE! Don't try to challenge that theory, my ignorant DON'T want to hear it.
Watched Edward Norton! on COnan. Eddy, you are. wonderful. I'm going to Barnes&N to buy the '25th HOur' ni not too shortly. And i"ll watch, and be further blown away by how fu*king talented you are. Oh! And haha, love you Too!

...Currently blasting QUEEN's music and sipping a Mocha. Love days like these, and nights like those. I hope everyone else will have a great day, and if you're not or doubt you will: Come over to my pad and we can make mochas and dance to 'We Are the Champions'. Okaybye
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