do your homework

Sep 14, 2005 16:56

Hiding Bodies Won't Hide the Truth

By Terry M. Neal Staff Writer
Thursday, September 8, 2005; 9:46 AM

"When a lot of people see a lot of dead bodies, politicians begin thinking of damage control."

"...representatives from the much-maligned Federal Emergency Management Agency said on Tuesday that it didn't want journalists to accompany rescue boats as they went out to search for storm victims, because 'the recovery of the victims is being treated with dignity and the utmost respect.' An agency spokeswoman told Reuters, 'We have requested that no photographs of the deceased be made by the media.'"

"Whatever the objective, those pesky questions about accountability are not going away...despite the best efforts of the president's supporters to deflect criticism by tagging it as partisan--even though many of the critics are themselves Republicans." (republicans?...who'da thunk?)

"There were two disasters last week: first, the natural disaster, and second, the man-made disaster, the disaster made by mistakes made by FEMA," House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) told reporters this week."

"And her Senate counterpart, Harry Reid (D-Nev.) raised the question,
*~-*~-*'How much time did the president spend dealing with
this emerging crisis while he was on vacation?'"*~-*~-*

"Bush [said in 2000 that] President Clinton's FEMA director, James Lee Witt, [is] a 'guy who has done a really good job of working with governors during times of crisis.' Yet after his election in 2000, Bush quickly replaced Witt with Joseph Allbaugh, his former campaign manager, and a man who had little experience in disaster relief." (WHAT DID I TELL YA? VILLAGE FUCKING IDIOT)

"Drudge refers to a new CNN-Gallup [(I USED TO WORK FOR GALLUP!!!!!!!!! ^_^ CRAPPIEST JOB, BUT I WORKED FOR THEM! I HAD TO SIGN A 6 MONTH CONTRACT, BUT I QUIT IN LESS THAN 3 ^_~ SO YEAH, GOVERNMENT DOESN'T LIKE ME ALREADY one time when we were doing polls, a guy that worked there walked by in a badass iron chef shirt, and without thinking, i pointed and yelled, "IRON CHEF!!!!". everyone starred at me from their desks, and everyone being polled in the U.S at the time heard some wack-o scream "iron chef" in the background, and yes... i got in trouble)] -USA Today poll. And sure enough, there is one question that asks, "Who do you think is most responsible for the problems in New Orleans after the hurricane?" Indeed, 13 percent answered Bush. (Another 18 percent answered "federal agencies" -- which the last time I checked, answer to Bush.)

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