Dec 01, 2008 09:36
we went to hot springs yesterday! it was wonderful and magikal and cleansing. on the way there we stopped at a town called Spillamacheen, and visited John's friend who has beez and does good things with their honey and wax! we went inside and Joe & John got some treats, and there was a very cute kitty that lives there and followed us around demanding we pet and play with her. it made me miss kitties SO MUCH! Argo and Mobey are great dogs, but i must have kitties in order to be happy. unfortunately we can't have kitties here, as it's just an apartment, and it would be cruel to have a kittie in such a small place. also, it would have to happen when geoff and i are more stable, in terms of traveling plans. it is a big commitment to have a pet. also, i get the feeling that John doesn't really like cats too much......but oohhhhh, how i miss having kitties in my life! in the coming years, we will have 2 or three cats and life will be grand =)
also, i haven't been to a mangi rave dot com in forever! i miss raving with mangies, and mangies in general. i guess this entry is about things i miss...let's recap. i miss: kitties, mangies, mangi raving dot com.
so it's december. gettin on to be obligitory gift giving season (barf), and once again i refuse to buy people anything because it's lame. although i do like festive times, and perhaps will make some people stuff.....send out cards or something maybe?? we really didn't do anything at ALL last year, we were hermits in a hole on a mountain. so if u give me your mailing address i will send u a home made card from the bottom of my heart....yaayyyy! do it forealz!
i feel good today. perhaps it was the mineral rich soak in pristine mountain wilderness?? perhaps i will bake deliciousness today....