Sep 14, 2006 22:09
I'm tired of it. I want to be taken care of, and protected. I feel like I'm on this long journey and it's never ending. Ever. It's so harrrrrrrrrrrrrd. Thats all I can say. I'm on my own. But I have to stick with it. With life and go through. I feel like it's all on me, and it just seems so dark. I feel so lonely. I'm so sad. I want a friend. It just seems like I'll never meet anyone new. I want a girl friend that I can just talk to forever and tell them everything. I just want to chattttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt my mouth off. And be like "yeah were stupid" I don't know. I don't even know what I'm talking about but I got depressed today cuz I haevn't talked to LIz in a whole day lol. I went to the fair, and there was a bunch of cantoneers. You know what I mean. I'm glad to leave next year. I seen someone I didn't want to see : (
I pet a horse. : ) I loved him. I wanted him to be my friend with his big ol eyeballs.
I like this girl in my speech class. She seems really nice, and I want to be her friend.
OMG I'm so not a lesbian. I fucking promise!!!
I just am attracted to people. Guys and girls...omg...i'm not making this any better
I want to forget. I want to be like "hey i'm happy. Who cares. I love you. And you. I like friends. Oh i'm happy overexcited Chris again."
SOmeone want to help me ? anyone? at all? i'm like reaching out you know....I'm pathetic...any takers. any....? I'm open. haha..okay
You know, I realized that I'm deaf...or I just have listening problems and that taught me to read people's faces, and facial expressions. I just thought that was neat. It helps me figure people out.
Anways. point is i'm sad, life is sad, I want a friend to love, ummmmm and don't love to much girlys and boyssss.
I really like your peaches wanna shake your treeeeeeeee....lovelovelovelveoallthtime! ohhhohohoh