(no subject)

Jul 04, 2006 13:25

Ten random things about yourself.

10. I hate being alone. I get depressed.
09. I get goosebumps if you hurt my feelings.
08. I hate getting confused easily and sometimes I get goosebumps cuz I'm so upset about it.
07. When I was little I would find dead frogs/bugs in my yard and teh road and then I would get my barbies and have a burial service for the animal.
06. I hold grudges so even if you think I'm over something, all of a sudden one day I'm mean and then the person doesn't know why cuz I will do that for a very long time after.
05. I always forgive people for what they did....except of course ..6 will apply. lol. I'm vulnerable.
04. I'm scared to meet anyone new, and it's hard for people to get to know me.
03. When I argue sometimes I think it's funny so I have to turn my head and act ilke I'm pissed so they will take me seiriously.
02. I would do anything in the world to keep love on my side.
01. I've never broken a bone.

Nine movies that you love. (in no specific order)
9. A Little Princess
8. Girl Interrupted
7. The PageMaster
6. Orange County
5. A Walk to Remember
4. Mean Girls
3. The Notebook
2. A Beautiful MInd
1. Crossroads

Eight things that you hate.
6. tendons are sick
5. People that don't have a heart towards animals/old people.
4. Girls that are really hot, and not nice...okay even if they are nice.
3. People who freak out, over things, and blame others
2. when I can predict something annoying that someone will say and they say it.
1. Guys who cheat/lie..........are failures in life.

Seven things you did today.
7. Ran/ took dog on a walk
6. Ate a bowl of Special K cereal.
5. Cleaned my fish tank
4. Clogged the bathtub with fish rocks.
3. Took a shower
2. Sent a mean myspace message to someone I don't like.
1. got pissed off

Six words you'd use to describe yourself.
6. emotional
5. funny
4. mood swings
3. understanding
2. good heart
1. honest

Five things you are thinking now.
5. Why do people lie?
4. I want to run away and never come back.
3. I miss certain people alot
2. I want to sleep and not wake up but only if it is a good dream.
1. I hate my thinking brain.

Four things you are waiting for.
4. My birthday
3. My lip pierced/tattoos
2. Love
1. A "best" friend

Three things you regret.
3. Not texting him when I woke up on New Years Eve and thought about it, when I thought about him, but he obviously wasn't thinking about me.
2. Throwing myself away.
1. Saying some things when my temper explodes.

Two websites you often visit.
2. myspace
1. livejournal

One thing that has changed your life forever.
1. Love
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