Feb 21, 2007 06:35
I finally was able to find time to really talk to my boss. I'd been wanting to talk to him about the fact that since I'd been working with the company I'd only gotten one raise and that was six months after I started working there. (I've been with the company for almost 2 1/2 years.) On top of that, it was on $0.25. Considering that the other rental companies give their employees raises every six months it was something I wanted to ask about. I can't live off of what I make right now, especially if I want to get my own place anytime soon.
Anyway, I talked to him and he said that the company was not giving out raises to anyone at the moment for an indefinite amount of time. He said that at the beginning of every year he tries to get the company to change this policy and become more competitive with their pay. But it hasn't come to anything so far. While I can appreciate the fact that he is trying, unfortunately I can't wait for the company to listen to him. I don't even make $8.00 an hour and while getting a second job would normally be an option, I can't do that because I go to school full time. I do like my job most of the time, I really think that I need to find something new.
I hope that I can find something where I can work the same, if not better, hours than I do now while getting better pay. We'll see. I'm really trying to find a new place to stay, but I just can't afford to until I can make more money.