Nov 02, 2004 14:22
Quote for the day: "It is amazing how long it takes to complete something you are not working on."
~~Everytime I blow out a candle, the smell instantly reminds of birthday cake. Probably because of blowing out candles on a birthday cake...but hey, it was the first thing that came to mind since I just blew a candle out and I just started typing. *shrug*
I totally bombed a lighting design test this wasn't what any of us were expecting and we all looked at each other in disbelief after the test was handed out. I left, like, 10 things blank...I did answer about 35 questions or so...the only thing is: were they all right? And no, I don't think they were all right. I'm SO looking forward to next semester! So far, I've decided I'm taking Composition II, Astronomy, and College Algebra. And I have to add at least one more thing to those. I'm taking all general education requirements next semester. I'm sick of being out of my element and all I want is to feel like I'm smart again!
It's only 2:34 and it feels like it should be 5 by now. Maybe because I have a headache because of my lack of caffeine I've had today. Ah, the life of a caffeine-addict. lol I did cook (yes, that's right, I said cook) pasta was rather exciting, I guess. I was just bored and hungry, so I figured why not give it a try? My mother will fall over in utter shock when I tell her.
All right, I just wanted to update to make my presence known. *takes a bow and exits* ~~