Nov 21, 2007 09:12
I'm going to be a librarian.
My reasons:
1) I don't ever really want to stop working at the/a library.
2) There are so many huge great amazing libraries out there I could work in.
3) It's helping people find and utilize information, thus building brain power.
4) I can go anywhere I want and always find a job. Spain? America? South America? Africa? Mars? Jupiter?
- A career outlook book I was reading in Borders the other day said that since most librarians are old futs and don't have the skillz to keep up with the information technology age (which I can see from the librarians I work with), there will be a great demand for a
fresh new set of tech-savvy librarians.
5) According to this book I read about highest paying jobs, librarians will continue to be a top income, of course after all the doctors and crazy working people.
6) Hours aren't so bad.
7) Contrary to what Newsweek magazine says in its current issue, books are NOT dead.
- I'm sorry, but who the fuck wants to read a book on a little screen, the computer screen ruins your eyes enough yo.
- Books NEVER go out of style. NEVER. Viva los libros! (that could be a library campaign slogan)
8) Technology is inevitable, so might as well use it for a good cause, and what holds more knowledge than books, honestly. Or just information in general. Information leads to change, to revolution, to the cause!
9) I could (and should) translate materials from Spanish to English, English to Spanish to share even more information across cultures. And since being a translator is very much a freelance job, I can still pursue my translating career!
10) I AM SOOOOOOOOO EXCITEDDDD!!! I'm gonna make being a librarian look gooooooood.
11) I don't have to restart my major! Because you can major in whatever the hell you want, to be librarian you just go to grad school!
12) I'll learn something new everyday!
13) Chelloooo I've already got a mountain of experience under my wings.
14) Grandma's going to be so stoked.
Librarians tend to be passionate about their career choice-this is not usually a profession people enter for the money but rather because they feel a calling to connect people with information, because they find it a dynamic and fascinating field, or because they are excited about technology’s potential to transform the way we interact with information.
When I was little, I wrote in my Student of the Week poster that I wanted to be a librarian when I grew up. Oh dang.