Feb 12, 2005 14:40

I woke up at like 2 in the afternoon. Gosh, I needed sleep so bad. Last week was probably the most stressful week ever. If anybody else out there is a junior you can understand. So many tests and so many EVERYTHING. I swear I am so mad at Mrs. D. She drives me nuts. So I didn't do so hot on the last tesdt that we took but to throw it on my desk and scream "YEAH, didn't do to hot on this one, did you" is just utterly redicious. I mean, does she want everybody on the planet to hate her? I must say, so many people have said just how she gets on their nerves but to be daed honest, I didn't see the actual nerve bursting until that very day. Its like she wants us to be completly unhappy and thinks that we have nothing else going on in our lives besides AMERICAN STUDIES! sorry, but you aren;t the center of my life! OKay so enough of that nonsense. I better stop before I explode. So yesterday me and my friends B and J were going to go see Phantom of the Opera because J hasen't seen it. Love you Kasper! Well so that was the orginal plan. Then, things got all messed up and Kayt just had to call and just ruin all our plans. It sounds awful, knowing that she is my best friend, but sometimes she just has no consideration for how far other people have to drive to get to places, its just all about her. So she was thinking that we should all go over to the Foothills and see a movie, because it was closer to her. I mean, cummon, Betz lives all the way on the estside and it would probably be like a 45 minute drive just to get across time and you just want to go to Foothills because you think that it would be the easiest way. Oh cummon, maybe the easiest way for YOU, what about everyone else. So it ended up that B couldn't come and then to top it all of... even after switching all our plans... Kayt couldn't go as well. So me and Jo just went by ourselves and didn't even get to see Pantom. I am so soory Betz, this is all my fault, if I just would of told Kayt that last night just wouldn't of worked out because I already made plans, you probably would have been able to go. I love you so so so so so so so much gorgeous and im sorry that it had to work out the way it did. I hope you had fun last night and I just know that the grls loved you becuase everyone does.
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