May 20, 2008 01:06
Dead Air is over. It's weird to think that after 8 years of some of my favorite music to come out of some shitty house where my friends live, that it will no longer. I guess it just seemed like it would be around forever. Anyway, it will probably work out for the best, as things usually tend to do. Plus, the last hurrah/garbage bag living room show was sweet.
I will be home for the next week and a half, then I'm moving back to amherst for the summer. I hope everyone comes out to visit this summer. we have 2 guest rooms and a couch and shit. we'll get drunk and do some grilling. Maybe have a dance party or something. We have a kickoff party tentatively planned for June 5. We also have a few shows planned:
June 16
-Nice People, Mountain Asleep, Algernon Cadwallader, Maudslay, and Old People.
July 6
-Ramming Speed, Battlemaster, and others TBA
I'm really excited about the ramming speed show.
I'm sick. I think buenos have me food poisoning but who knows. I think I'm getting better. but who knows.