Another update...

Jan 11, 2015 17:06

I'm stuck on editing and in need of a break, so I thought I would try an entry. I'm still not sure where the physical journal is, but oh well.

The novel is...going, I guess? I am basically rewriting the thing, and tweaking my outline as I go. It kind of sucks, and I feel that I am going to have to make at least one more pass to get it right (I probably will). Maybe on this pass I should focus on adding the missing pieces. Can I make (and finish) another round in February? I will have to definitely go faster than I am right now, but I'm up to it, right?

My MC also just threw me for a loop at the end of the first chapter, and I'm not sure how to recover from it. If I want to make my March 1 revision deadline, then I am going to have to really push.

Maybe I should take the rest of today to reoutline chapter 2, and then try to finish it today/tomorrow. Reoutline each chapter, then rewrite as I can to get the broad strokes. Maybe come back to the material I wrote the day before for some tweaking before I forge ahead.

I really hope Shang is not so difficult.

The other big realization, and/or something that I've been struggling with for a while, is that I would still be having a really small wedding, and I don't think it would be worth the effort of planning. I can't host a party, so why on earth would I be able to have more than 15 people (counting both sides) at my wedding? Could I come up with 15 people I would invite (no--not trying)?

I haven't made a 'list' for a while, and I really don't want to try. I don't know what I'll do if/when L ever asks me to marry him. Conditional? Hold off on the wedding until...forever? Courthouse wedding? I don't know.

This entry brought to you by crippling insecurities.
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