AIM Log ℵ1ℵ

Dec 11, 2010 21:02

Time: December 10, evening
Content: Marbles comes home from zombie-fighting and fills her brother in on the gory details.

arijanian (8:26:52 PM): So we could say she limped back to the barricade or wherever he was, injured but not very badly

MarsCFS4 (8:27:01 PM): yeah

MarsCFS4 (8:27:08 PM): and he was all WHAT DID YOU DO >8[

arijanian (8:27:29 PM): *salutes*  Best zombie-killer in the Sphere, at your service!

arijanian (8:27:35 PM): *stumbles slightly*

arijanian (8:27:39 PM): Um.  Can I have a drink of water?

MarsCFS4 (8:27:50 PM): >8[ Maaaaarbleeeeees

arijanian (8:27:56 PM): Whaaaaaaat.

arijanian (8:28:00 PM): I'm thirsty.

MarsCFS4 (8:28:05 PM): /pokes you all over checking for bite marks

arijanian (8:28:11 PM): /swat swat stoppit

arijanian (8:28:19 PM): Wolf, c'mon, I'm fine.

arijanian (8:28:31 PM): *ghost of a tired grin*  You should have seen us, it was awesome!

MarsCFS4 (8:28:46 PM): what happened? /pokes... just a little

arijanian (8:28:50 PM): I gave 'em a right!  And a left!  And I chopped their heads off like cabbages!

MarsCFS4 (8:29:04 PM): [MY CABBAGES!]

arijanian (8:29:12 PM): *jerks a thumb back at her warfan, still strapped to her back and, now that he looks at it, quite caked with zombie blood*

MarsCFS4 (8:29:30 PM): aaaaaaand it's dripping on the carpet :|

arijanian (8:30:08 PM): It'll wash out.  Come on, Wolf!  It was really cool!

MarsCFS4 (8:30:30 PM): B| was someone at least there with you?

arijanian (8:30:38 PM): There was this old geezer with frog bombs!

arijanian (8:30:45 PM): Like, bombs that go 'ribbit'.

arijanian (8:30:51 PM): Seriously weird.  He was a good fighter, though.

arijanian (8:30:57 PM): Oh, and King.

arijanian (8:31:29 PM): *has limped past him and is rummaging for food in the cabinets*

arijanian (8:31:53 PM): *killing several hundred zombies and healing three people from the brink of death is hungry work*

MarsCFS4 (8:31:56 PM): King? King?!arijanian (8:32:46 PM): *crams a handful of something snackish into her mouth and nods over her shoulder, chewing*  Mm-hm!

arijanian (8:33:22 PM): *Pause.  That's not a good face on Wolf right now, is it.*

arijanian (8:33:23 PM): What?

MarsCFS4 (8:33:58 PM): isn't he that weird old guy from the bar?

arijanian (8:34:13 PM): *swallows*  Old?

arijanian (8:34:44 PM): Nooo, the other guy was old.

arijanian (8:35:05 PM): King's definitely not old.  I bet he's, like, eighteen.

arijanian (8:35:13 PM): Or maybe twenty?  Twenty-two?

arijanian (8:35:28 PM): Nahh, he can't be twenty-two.  *totally thinking out loud by now*

MarsCFS4 (8:35:46 PM): /jaw drop

MarsCFS4 (8:35:50 PM): you're like 13!

arijanian (8:36:23 PM): Hey!

arijanian (8:36:29 PM): >: [

arijanian (8:36:57 PM): You don't know how old I am!  I could be twenty-three for all you know.

arijanian (8:37:09 PM): *sigggh*  Anyway, why does it matter how old I am?

MarsCFS4 (8:37:09 PM): ha!

MarsCFS4 (8:38:26 PM): because I'm your older brother and I have to make sure you're not hanging around any weirdos

arijanian (8:38:48 PM): *crosses her arms*  He's not a weirdo!

arijanian (8:39:12 PM): You should have seen him with the zombies!  It was so cool.  XDDD

MarsCFS4 (8:39:24 PM): oh yeah? what'd he do?

arijanian (8:39:42 PM): He was like, "STOP!!!"  *flings out one hand dramatically*

arijanian (8:39:52 PM): And like half the zombies just carked right over!

arijanian (8:40:19 PM): And then he set 'em on fire!

MarsCFS4 (8:40:46 PM): ...

MarsCFS4 (8:40:48 PM): on fire

MarsCFS4 (8:40:49 PM): ON FIRE?

arijanian (8:41:12 PM): *totally mistaking this for enthusiasm because what else could it be?*  Yeah!

MarsCFS4 (8:41:21 PM):

arijanian (8:41:44 PM): *shrug*  I dunno, he just punched the air and fire shot out of his hands or something.

MarsCFS4 (8:41:53 PM): o________o

arijanian (8:42:01 PM): I know, right?  Awesome.

arijanian (8:42:23 PM): *there may or may not be a slight sparkle in her eyes*  I wish I could do that.

MarsCFS4 (8:42:30 PM): WHAT


arijanian (8:42:44 PM): *freezes*

arijanian (8:42:46 PM): ...what?

MarsCFS4 (8:43:00 PM): FIRE BAD

arijanian (8:43:09 PM): Why?  DD8

MarsCFS4 (8:43:20 PM): FIRE BAD

arijanian (8:43:34 PM): *very very nonplussed*  But...

arijanian (8:44:13 PM): What's wrong with fire?

MarsCFS4 (8:44:20 PM): FIRE BAD

MarsCFS4 (8:44:42 PM): /stuck in loop

arijanian (8:44:43 PM): *annoyed now, hands on hips*  You're not making any sense!

arijanian (8:44:50 PM): (Ahaha)

MarsCFS4 (8:44:51 PM): /rattles brains

arijanian (8:44:56 PM): (Whose?)

MarsCFS4 (8:45:05 PM): look, I just know that fire is something you shouldn't be messing around with

arijanian (8:45:18 PM): I'm not messing around with it, he was.

MarsCFS4 (8:45:25 PM): and people who can control fire are... bad

MarsCFS4 (8:45:28 PM): unpredictable

MarsCFS4 (8:45:30 PM): dangerous

arijanian (8:45:45 PM): King's not dangerous!

arijanian (8:45:57 PM): Wolf, he practically saved my life!

arijanian (8:46:08 PM): *oops*

arijanian (8:46:20 PM): *was not going to talk about that part of today*

arijanian (8:46:28 PM): *hand claps over own mouth*

MarsCFS4 (8:47:02 PM): that by me again?

arijanian (8:47:10 PM): *muffled*  Um.

arijanian (8:47:31 PM): *looooooking off to one side now*

MarsCFS4 (8:47:37 PM): Marbles...

arijanian (8:47:48 PM): ...

arijanian (8:47:50 PM): *sigh*

arijanian (8:48:03 PM): I was getting a little bit chewed on, okay?

arijanian (8:48:12 PM): Just a little bit.

arijanian (8:48:50 PM): *she's absently rubbing the healthy skin of her arm now, where one of the worst bites was before it was healed*

MarsCFS4 (8:49:07 PM): ...

MarsCFS4 (8:49:09 PM): ......

MarsCFS4 (8:49:11 PM): .......

MarsCFS4 (8:49:14 PM): WHAT

MarsCFS4 (8:49:18 PM): YOU GOT BIT?

arijanian (8:49:24 PM): I'm fine, okay?

MarsCFS4 (8:49:34 PM): zombieeeeeeeeee

arijanian (8:49:54 PM): It was hours ago and brains still sound like the worst thing anybody ever thought of eating, ever.

arijanian (8:49:57 PM): I'm not a zombie.

arijanian (8:50:07 PM): Anyway.

arijanian (8:50:17 PM): That's, um...that's when he did the "stop" thing.  >_>

MarsCFS4 (8:50:35 PM): when he made fire come out of his freaking hands?

arijanian (8:50:53 PM): Yes, he made the oogity-boogity ohmygod evil fire then, too.  *waggles her fingers sarcastically*

arijanian (8:51:11 PM): It burned the zombies that were eating me.

arijanian (8:51:27 PM): Yup.  Really dangerous person.

MarsCFS4 (8:51:34 PM): >_> well

MarsCFS4 (8:51:40 PM): just be careful next time

MarsCFS4 (8:51:41 PM): okay?

arijanian (8:51:54 PM): *eyeroll*  I still don't see what the problem is.

arijanian (8:52:41 PM): (Fun fact:  For somebody who was being "eaten" by zombies, she's only got minor scratches and bruises, and the slight limp.)

MarsCFS4 (8:53:38 PM): (suspiiiiiicion, thy name is Wolf)

arijanian (8:53:45 PM): (Hah.)

arijanian (8:53:56 PM): (She's keeping her healing powers secret for now, they freak her out a little.)

arijanian (8:54:07 PM): (That'll be a fun ping when it comes out.  XD;;  )

arijanian (8:54:47 PM): *sidelong look--he does look worried.  sigh.*

arijanian (8:54:54 PM): ...

arijanian (8:54:56 PM): Fine.  I'll be careful.

arijanian (8:55:07 PM): I don't know what I'm being careful of, but I'll be careful.

arijanian (8:56:43 PM): Happy?

MarsCFS4 (8:57:33 PM): >> Not really but ok

arijanian (8:59:49 PM): *can't help a chuckle*

arijanian (9:00:05 PM): *flicks his nose*  You worry too much.

arijanian (9:00:37 PM): See?  *spreads her arms, showing the lack of serious damage*  No harm done.

MarsCFS4 (9:00:58 PM): >> ..Someone has to worry around here

arijanian (9:01:17 PM): I don't see why, but...if you say so.

arijanian (9:01:28 PM): *dimples at him*  So, what's for dinner?  I'm starving.

MarsCFS4 (9:05:46 PM): /brightens

MarsCFS4 (9:05:48 PM): Me too!

MarsCFS4 (9:06:00 PM): I already started /points to stove where things are bubbling away

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