
Feb 20, 2010 14:28

Since I haven't been on here in a while and there isn't much to update since i did it in 60 seconds lol.

I want to explain my slight happening of baby fever. Its spring....and that means EVERYONE is getting knocked up.

I am still at my parents house we are paying off our credit cards. What is awesome is my mom has stated (she mentioned it) that she will match ANY and ALL payments i make to bills! 
So after some small financing last night after April i will only have 3 major credit cards (which i shredded for good yesterday infront of my mom).
I can also be putting $100 in to the bank each month for summer school!

I have also talked to john. He is probably going to reenlist. Here are his steps.
He was due for promotion back in may of 2007. He still hasn't been promoted to SGT. STUPID FORT BLISS, i blame all the numb nuts there. Anyways he is waiting on his exact date for the board. Once that happens and he is my SGT, he will talk to his career counselor, and will reenlist with Fort Benning as his #1 changing his MOS to range cadron. meaning, no deployments. Ect. Sounds peachy huh?
Well the only set plan is, I am moving where ever he goes next. I'll probably fly to El Paso for that week and drive to corpus with him. Driving our Rouge. Picking up my stuff in corpus. Then hitting up Columbus Georgia (hopefully keep praying) and then settling there for 6 years!

In those 6 years we hope to begin our little family and begin on a great financial foot! Like I mentioned our main goal RIGHT NOW is clearing all debt. And with his renelistment bonus which he was told could be around six figures our cars will all be paid off. Meaning all that will be left by the end of this year will be monthly bills. What a freaking relief i see a light at the end of the tunnel.

Anyways thats what i see happening. I am not going to lie I am excited about starting our family soon. yes i know i am no where near done with school but i am a little more focused right now on patching up the tough spots in our marriage before we go any further. Anyways I am going to go, gonna help the bank of Mom out around the house.

I may not be with him right now but he makes me happy and i am incredibily happy right now.
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