CL clearing time!

Sep 29, 2009 09:51

We have some things so I've listed our dining table and an iphone 2g that never worked for me. So far I've only recieved responses to the iphone. I have lke 6 responses one person threw $80 out so I got clever. I offered an oppurtunity to everyone to respond and the guy then said $100. So I'm gonna take that. I am though going to make sure he KNOWS and is fully aware that its BROKEN.
No responses on the dining table, and i am ok with that becase i pushed our couch closer to the TV made a living area and dining area and i kinda like it. It will do and it will be useful.
I've decieded to drop the price of the Table to  $80 OBO...i think we have gotten a good $150 use out of it. Now is there anything else i can sell on CL. lol. any little thing is helping!

Yesterday I went to an interview (first since ive been back) but it was for childcare. This family is active military and reserves. He is active she is reserves. He is at training to be deploy by November. She is Reserves, working and school! Roy is 14 months old and cute for a little boy. She is working with potty training him which he will poo on the potty. The biggest thing is he has constipation issues that hurt him, so i'll be working with him and trying to feed him more fiber in his diet. I start tomorrow I work for her MWF: 12-4 then Friday 6-8 sometimes as well. Her father lives at the house but just lets Roy run around and so she wants someone with Roy all the time. Which as of tomorrow is me. She wants to pay me $7 and hour which come about $100 a week. Just because she is more hourly and can be there sometimes. I'm excited. Roy is cute. 4 hours of devotion to a child works for me.
I am going to see if a resturant wont hire me anyways and let me work T & Th and weekends maybe? I dunno but right now we will see how this goes.
Other news!

I am excited for Britney's new CD. and Getting Miranda's today!

I am also heading out RIGHT now to get mirandas' .....
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