Dec 20, 2004 20:55
So, I've decided that maybe I'll travel now and work later, lol. That sounds pretty good to me ; ) I just don't know if I want to accept a job and then have to quit so soon after, so when it doubt, leave the country! I'm not saying for sure one way or the other- I might very well take a full-time position somewhere, but I also might not. I might work for a month doing, well any number of things, and then travel for a few months, maybe until August, then come back in the Fall and work until grad. school begins. A friend of mine invited me to visit her abroad, somewhere I've always wanted to go, so I might visit her, then head to a few other places and then come back here and face a job. I will need to save up a few bucks in order to travel for a few months, but I can do that easily enough, as I mentioned above. It's at times like this when I am so happy I have no major commitments to keep me down, like a car payment or a rent for example, it's just not worth it (sorry to all you out there who love your cars and work hard to make the payments. I know cars are great for some people). So, I'll have this all figured out in the next few weeks, thank god. And I totally can't believe that the holidays are upon us already. Nothing about December thus far has felt festive to me, but I'm not one for obsessing over the holidays. I think Christmas in this country is sickening, but I'm not going to go there now, lol. I might end up writing more later tonight, but for now this is it. One Love!