Our charter plane to Orlando.
It was 4 hours late and yes, Hooters Air.
Mandatory tourist picture in Epcot.
Mandatory tourist picture in Magic Kingdom.
The Boardwalk Resort, basically empty and the only safe haven from the kids in my High School.
This is the gorgeous beach at the resort we came across.
I loved it because there was no one we knew around and no one knew about it.
They were obsessed with this lady.
Animal Kingdom.
MGM; "The Movie Ride" as described by Chrissy.
Only damn picture that came out on the "slow moving attractions."
Going downtown one night.
Mexico, Epcot.
Norway!, Epcot.
The best country by far.
Corey and Ryan on the bus before Tiger Army/The Unseen at the House of Blues.
They wouldn't let us bring in cameras or else I would of taken pictures.
The crowd sucked and Orlando kids are so corny.
Me and Amanda at the airport.
I am exhausted and have a horrible sunglasses tan.
The Philadelphia International Airport.
It suprised me how much fun I had on a trip with my school. I guess it was because I didn't even have to see any of them and I was spending someone else's money for 4 days. I even got some color!
Out Hud was pretty hot last night, I danced a lot and had a good time. Post pictures later. Shit is finally over between Jack and the 15 year old, I'm so happy for him. Only like 2 months til I'm on my fucking own. I think me and Michael are gonna go vegan once we get our place. Our 8 month anniversary is on the 6th, which I can't believe. John C gets out in May, a month later for some reason. He sent me an awesome letter on my birthday, maybe I'll scan it and post it. Matt Pond PA's newest EP Winter Songs is so fucking awesome. M.I.A. IS STUCK IN MY HEAD AND I CAN'T GET IT OUT. I think that's it, I gotta go. Bye.