Pregnancy Plot

Mar 12, 2008 20:52

((Plot summary for Vivian's pregnancy, because it happened in several different locations and I wanted a chronologically ordered list of events for easy reference. Plus! Gap filling for off screen stuff. Oh and this has coincided perfectly with realistic dates, if she was 6 weeks gone when the pregnancy was confirmed - she's due on the 15th March))

Vivian and Top discover she is pregnant, JOY! A baby Top Dollar, how sweet! Deacon Frost also makes his presence known inside Vivian's head for the first time since he turned her and she was cured, thank you Derek! There was more to it than Vivian ever knew. And Top too, for suffering the humility of going to him and force feeding reluctant VampViv! from his own arm.

Frost in her head! Where are the damned sleeping pills? This thread, marked the beginning of a downward spiral for Vivian. First it was just a sleeping pill, then a few more. As the pregnancy progressed, Frost's telepathic link with her through the ever darkening glyph and her blood became more and more pronounced, more frequent. Slowly sending her mad, not knowing if it was real or if she really had gone insane, all the while never telling her husband about it, for fear he would have her committed. Keeping up appearances with an increasing amount of booze and sleeping pills.

"It's a Baby, Not a Vampire" Close call at the hospital, Vivian narrowly escapes the need for blood tests, and Frost's bitch girlfriend makes an appearance, confirming that Frost really does want the baby.

"I say who, I say when, I say how." Vivian takes matters into her own hands, this ends now. Whether she or Frost dies, it doesn't matter, but she wants it over. Things take a turn for the worse however, and Vivian runs into Blade instead. The man that she had a relationship with, the man who got her involved with Frost in the first place. And the best bit? He doesn't remember her, the explosion back in New York fucked with his head.

Vivian leaves Blade, and rushes off to meet her husband as he's expecting her, but not before she gets herself completely and utterly blitzed. Vodka and diazepam are chugged back like there's no tomorrow. She's reached her breaking point, Blade's appearance finally tipping the scales from weighted to touching the counter top. This doesn't go down too well with Top, surprise, surprise. He bundles her off in the car while he finishes up some business, ready to deal with her later.

Except later never comes...
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