Dec 02, 2006 18:14
Oh my god I had a terrible nightmare last night. I woke up sweating and crying and shaking. AAHHHH. NOT FUN.
I have juice, yay! I had to wait in line at Monoprix for fucking forever to get it, but now I have it. And a fresh, warm baguette. Mmm. Momentarily, I shall leave to go seek Kara at the bus stop from Beauvais. Yay, I get a visit from Kara! I am so incredibly excited. :D This weekend will be over before I know it. And once the weekend is over, even though it's not REALLY the case, I think of myself as having only "one and a half weeks" left to go.
I am ready to leave. It's been lovely France; I've had a great time. But I want to see my friends and family again and I want to drive my car and take a bath. I want to go on the army of dates I have lined up (although knowing my life, every single one of them will bail on me, but FOR NOW! I am loved ;D). I want to play with my kitties and cook in a real kitchen and not have to walk to the eighth floor if I forget something. I hate to leave everything I love about this place, but I'm impatient to have back everything I love about the US. Is there a happy medium somewhere? Who knows.
I bought another scarf. I don't need it, but scarves are my weakness. It is black and white hounds tooth. I couldn't say no. I'll wear it with my black and white checkerboard Vans when I get back to the US and be so awesome it hurts.