Nov 24, 2006 17:42
My Thanksgiving was very nice. :) My program put on a nice little dinner for us and we all got together at the center and had fun. It was nice. We went around saying thanks, too, and it was super cheezy but very pleasant. Then I came back to my apartment and wrote a ton in my NaNo. I'm over 40k! Less than 10k to go! I can do this, okiedokie? I'm going to do it. Even if I just barely sneak in under the deadline, I will do it. I intend to write a ton more tonight, when I get back from the play that I'm leaving for in an hour and a half (hopefully I'll also do writing before hand, but we'll see).
Tomorrow I wake up early so I can go to the airport and pick up my dad, his girlfriend, and Julien. This is going to be a wonderful weekend. :) I am excited. I am charging my camera as I type. Whee!
I left my neighbor a very, VERY polite and respectful note letting her know that I am going to have a friend staying with me this weekend, as it has been advised by my program to let neighbors know when we're having guests or visitors. She wrote back that I was not allowed to do that and she would not tolerate any extra noise. Since we live in such close proximity, we must always think of how our actions will have an impact on those surrounding us. She then said that if I wish to see this person, I should go visit him. My apartment is rented for one person and one person only.
... Lady, what the fucking hell. Seriously, after this weekend, once my dad and his girlfriend leave on Wednesday morning, my gloves are coming off. The lady is getting her own medicine. I'm just trying to avoid getting on her bad side until after all guests have left (although my dad and Pat are staying in a hotel across the street) so that I can enjoy their visits without her always butting in to yell at me. But after they leave, my vindictive, bitchy, EVIL side is coming out. The side that very few people see. The side that generally only manifests itself as extreme road rage. Have you ever witnessed my extreme road rage? Then you know what this woman is in for. She will suffer. She thinks she's having problems with the people who live under her and the people across the hall from her? Oh just wait till the person next to her doesn't want to put up with her anymore. Grrr.
Okay, done ranting! I am moving on to doing productive things now. Such as writing, and going to a play. Stay tuned for exciting updates of my sanity slowly dissolving as I work on my NaNo tonight, and then try to get up early tomorrow morning!
Oh yes, and for today's victory--I called the plumber and explained my problem and set up an appointment for them to come to my apartment, all in French on the phone! Yay me.