May 12, 2007 02:59
I am walking to the bus from campus so that I can go home. I decide to take a different path, and it's a more wooded area on campus, a sort of back road area. As I'm waiting for the bus, a group of modern pirates surround me and capture me. The area on campus has turned into a jungle-like area. The scruffy men make me climb up a ladder that takes us near the top of the trees. They have other girls with them who they have captured. The men probably plan to sell all of us to a brothel in Latin America. It's terrifying. As we reach the top of the ladder, the men tell me that I have to climb through the branches along the tops of the trees to reach their vehicle that they'll use to transport all of us. The rest of the girls and I are bound at the wrists, so this makes their request difficult. I'm also afraid of heights, and have never been that great of a climber. They tell me that if I fall, they'll shoot me and kill me before I reach the ground. This gives me incentive to climb well, and I make it to their vehicle with the other girls. I realize that I have my cell phone with me, and because the men are up front in the vehicle (it is some sort of bus or semi), I decide to send a text message to the police. I also send a text message to my mother to let her know that I've been kidnapped. Then I realize that she has also been taken captive and is next to me. She starts talking to me and acting silly, and I quietly insist that she shut up or else the men will look back and see us and possibly kill us. She doesn't seem to be taking that into consideration because she continues to make funny faces. Then she isn't with me anymore, and we're definitely on a bus. It's really beat up, like the kind one would see in Guatemala or somewhere. It's traveling through my hometown in Pennsylvania, and I know that there are police checkpoints nearby for buses. I again start sending text messages to the police. I send similar ones to my mother, since she's at home. I am able to keep texting them and let them know what road the bus is on, what direction it's headed, etc. However, there is no response. It's like both the police and my mother are ignoring the situation, because no one is sending for help. No one is coming, even though they're getting the mssages. We're going to be getting off the highway on an exit into the mountains soon, and I fear that after that, they'll never find us. I reach a point of being half awake-half asleep, and I see my mother's cell phone log. She has received all of my messages, and has afterwards made a series of casual phonecalls to her friends to chat, making it clear that she was ignoring my plight.
latin america,